The Colleen Gallagher Blog

How do we transition the deep-rooted systematic issue of the masculine controlling and devaluing the feminine? How the feminine does this to the masculine? [Updated Blog 2021]

Do you wonder why relationships aren’t working out for you? Do you feel like you are saying and doing the right things but somehow still not getting the result? In this blog, I share how the masculine and feminine unintentionally harm and repulse the opposite energy!

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Another Narrative to C0VID-19 & What to Do if Your Corporation or Institution is requiring the V@X?

This blog post goes in-depth into the background about COVID-19, holistic healing, and alternative ways to think about this event occurring on Earth. This offers many practical ways to improve your health as well as getting out of the vaccine if your company is requiring it.

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What is the Number One Killer of the Masculine?

Learn about what is killing the masculine, how you can learn to unleash your feminine, attract the relationships and career you desire, and avoid massive health dis-eases by tuning into who you were always truly meant to become.

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