The Colleen Gallagher Blog
So, I went on a date.. the date of horror..
Have you ever gone on a date or been with someone and it ended up horrible? The other person did or tried to make you feel bad about yourself.. Read this I GOT YOU!
How Men Can Create Greater Intimacy During Sex!
As a man are you wanting to feel deeper intimacy with your partner? I got your back! These 5 tips will WOW her.
How do we transition the deep-rooted systematic issue of the masculine controlling and devaluing the feminine? How the feminine does this to the masculine? [Updated Blog 2021]
Do you wonder why relationships aren’t working out for you? Do you feel like you are saying and doing the right things but somehow still not getting the result? In this blog, I share how the masculine and feminine unintentionally harm and repulse the opposite energy!
The Top 5 Red Flags That Tell me NOT to Date You.
Here are the 5 signs that give you away as a non-high vibrational being to date an Enlightened Feminine.