What People Say
“From Colleen’s 8 week manifestation course. I was able to get my first client from the online world in 8 weeks.
My new client and I have been talking and it's going really well. We're both really excited for our first session! Thank you for helping me get my first client.”
— Erin Geib
“In the first month after leaving my corporate job, thanks to Colleen’s process of manifestation, I was able to make $5k!
The Global Citizen University has been quite an experience for me. It came at the right time when I was making drastic changes in my life to live a more free and abundant life, and I was motivated by Colleen’s example to join.
Thanks to Colleen’s education and coaching, I was able to believe in myself, learn how to unapologetically live my truth, and kickstart my dance career. It’s helped me be able to use technology in ways I never have before, and I’m able to show more people what’s possible for themselves with my content. It’s been a very transformative experience and I’m glad I was a part of it.”
— Deon Howard
“Within 2 weeks of Colleen’s Change Your Relationship with Money Course I was able to get on the phone to speak with 3 investors interested in investing $25k each for a total of $75k in my project.”
— Edward West
“First Brazilian contacted me based on my new revised Instagram profile. I told her I’m teaching for free right now and she objected to that, so the first student who wants to pay me is in the works.
I also passed a bunch of tests and I’m a financial advisor now!”
— David Shillihng
“I am so happy being present in the moment, being completely myself.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! We are completely transforming the art industry with 3D screens because we are able to capture light traveling through space at festivals. I am so happy, being present in the moment being completely myself & of course it’s going like this.”
— Machel Monnikho
“I need to tell you something super important that you and your teachings have everything to do with! It has happened so fast that my head is spinning!
$$$$$$ Yes that’s right, and lots of it!!! I’m soooooo grateful for you! This would not have happened without you, and I’m going to go back and listen to all of our money calls because I just feel moved to! I know that mindset has everything to do with it, and YOU had something to do with that!”
— Sonya
“As soon as I invested in the Change Your Relationship with Money Course, I had a random person buy a program that I haven’t sold in a while so I got my ROI before week 1 even started.”
— Sterling Cooley
“Woke up to a customer placing an order early this morning… make that two! And I just paid off my last credit card!
What a glorious week. So incredibly thankful for this journey and for you!”
— Sarah Especulta
“I am setting up my first initial meeting with a potential client today. Meeting will be set for early next week.
Super excited!”
— Robert Canfield
“I appreciate you, Colleen. Truly. I am revisiting the social media training this week! And I will launch my workshop and Facebook training in the next two!
P.S. I shared my story to a group of about 20 people and we recorded it. I’ll be releasing it in the Facebook group first and then on my page in a couple of months. That was my first speaking engagement!!”
— Stephanie Cutler
“I sent two invoices today.
That’s badass AF.”
— Tricia Lee
"Colleen is someone with a massive vision and a huge heart, who really knows she’s here to impact the world.”
— Regan Hillyer
“Colleen helped me realize that I can create anything that I want.”
— Colin Townsend
“She is the most authentic person that you could go into business with.”
— Alison Callan
“Implement the things Colleen shares in your life to get where you want to be.”
— Joshua Sprague
“It was the best phone call of my life.”
— Katie Hitchcock
“Colleen helped me tear down some questions I had that were standing in the way of my success.”
— Josiah
“This retreat has completely changed and shifted my life; it has allowed my deepest blocks to become my greatest freedom.”
— Crystal Rebbe
“Her meditations are very healing.”
— Francis Piche
“Connected with my heart and part of myself I haven’t been connected to in a long time.”
— Ben Beard
“She helped me ground my vision on what steps need to be taken each day.”
— Isabel Hendrix
“I’ve rebuilt my inner Queen, and now have clarity on what I have to give to the world.”
— Tiffany Shockley
“I had a huge block with sharing my messages with the world, and Colleen was able to clear that for me.”
— Missy Fowler
“We’re on track to make $5k in 30 days!”
— Jessica Reeves
“It was an incredible journey of transformation in my life. I could see how the pieces of the puzzle fit into my life.”
— Thias
“When I am doing one of your meditations, you are talking to my soul. I can reconnect with my soul.”
— Laura Konz
If you have no direction in life, or you're stuck at a crossroads and you’re not sure where to go or what to do, Colleen Gallagher will definitely steer you in the right direction according to the truth of your heart.
My journey after starting Colleen's workbook took me down a path I chose to hide from since I was young. Her program forced me to go all the way back and pick out everything that hurt me, even the smaller stuff that wouldn't mean anything to anyone but has affected me deeply to this day. I am forever grateful to Colleen for the seeds of knowledge she gave me to grow into what feels like an evolution in my own spirit, because I was able to face my darkness. Thank you, Colleen.
I finally broke through! Colleen's energy is contagious and will give you opportunities to change the world.
Colleen it’s been a few days since Thrive, and when we spoke last I wanted to take a day to reflect and let the emotions settle. I finally broke through, but I have you to thank for being part of the aggregate solution. You primed my system for chance. Between you, Tim Storey, ET, Mylett & Cole, I’ve finally b.br..bro..broke…broken.through!
I’ll never forget that moment. Sitting in my chair as I listened to ET. For the first time ever, I said, I'm Chris fucking Henson! You're amazing, your spirit is powerful, and your energy is contagious.
I am so glad I met you. Not only for myself, but to get the chance to watch you change my world. I’m excited for those opportunities.
Colleen empowered me to stand in my truth.
Colleen is a change-maker. She has an energetic power and is a catalyst of fundamental breakthrough. I spent 90 minutes with her, during which we peeled away layers of doubt and fear to uncover my core truth. She empowered me to stand in that truth and live — truly live it without apology! She support re-framing as only a master can! Greatly recommended by the oracle goddess herself.
Colleen and I got to meet up one-on-one and discuss everything, which was nice because it was personalized just for me! She took her time and explained everything to me — I even took notes so I left with all the information, any questions I had - whether it was about visualization, manifesting, or finding my soul purpose in life. She answered honestly and thoroughly.
I started doing some things she suggested, and not only do I do them, but I feel them and I already notice things are happening! I am definitely grateful I decided to sign up for one of her seminars.
I wholeheartedly encourage you to embrace Colleen and the work and help that she provides, so that you can carve a path to find what self-love in practice is for you and your truth in the world.
I believe the most impactful part is how it taught me about myself. I became aware of what I want to create in the world. And a significant shift occurred where I am creating it at great speed.
I have always known the power of focus, and Colleen’s tools taught me to leverage my strengths and skills. Halfway through the course, my enlightened and respectful divorce turned into a shit storm, and Colleen became my rock who told me that my feelings, thoughts, and dreams matter! I am a kind and giving person. But I can also take care of myself consistently now as well. I am stronger than I think I am.
I am enough, I feel best when I prioritize my wellness and relationships, and when I have momentum and am contributing into the world I feel confident of my compass. My true north is sharing love, and I work with creative expression for financial freedom and social change. I dive through the waves of grief when they come, and mostly, I focus on loving me and setting myself up each day to work in the way I want to work. From the heart, I’ve moved on already into the powerful woman I am and the one I am becoming and Colleen has been my on point teacher and coach. My friend and my task master.
The energy I put into Colleen’s course was well worth it for my accelerated re-planning and re-aligning. I am already seeing evidence of things that are working. I feel tuned up and ready to turn the volume up to live a louder life, creating the world I want to live in my gratitude is of epic proportions.
Colleen's energy is healing.
It is therapeutic.
It is revitalizing.
It is refreshing.
It is rejuvenating.
It is a breath of fresh air in the entrepreneurial world. She is an inspirational young woman with a lot to give and receive, and I am empowered by her ability to interpret so much of life to give meaning. Colleen's vibrancy and livelihood has brought me a lot of joy and happiness; it’s the motivating factor that has prompted me to role model further afield — to pay it forward. The global stage as humanitarian.
Her energy and love is making me tell my own story, and has brought me lot of value and creative desires. I would highly recommend her services without hesitation. I fully commend her valuable services on that note to help you find your passion, your gifts, your positive traits, and your purpose in life if you haven’t already. I will certainly be spreading her intoxicating love out loud on my humanitarian missions abroad.
Colleen has made a program that is not only inspiring, but has also challenged and opened up mind so that I can be the best me. With her help, we have dug into my past, present, and future, and now I know exactly what I need to do with my life.
Making life changes is difficult, but Colleen was understanding and empowering throughout the whole process so that I can live the life I have always imagined. The whole experience exceeded my expectations, and will be with me for the rest of my life. The clarity from learning so much about myself has made me a better person for myself and others.
I now have the power and knowledge achieve the dream life I have always wanted.
I work with the best souls in the entire universe. #truth Check out Colleen Gallagher. She a change agent — her heart is massive, and her vision is just as big — and she's one of the ones that gets done on a global scale.
If you’re a multiple six figure earner (or seven!) who is interested in a global, tangible impact, go check her out. Be in her world.
I spoke with Colleen about a guy I had been seeing for 8 months, but it never went beyond the casual stage. Colleen helped me become aware that it was not a good relationships for my self-esteem and confidence. It was so comforting and reassuring to have Colleen help me realize that the casual situation was wrong for me, which helped tremendously with getting over my heartbreak.
Colleen listened to me and gave me guidance that gave me confidence to venture into something new with a new guy, and to be not afraid to get clarity when I needed it. It has been over two months with my new guy, and I have been able to check on things in a light and non-confrontational way.
I feel now I have real progress, the angst has lessened, and that I am building on something. Thank you so much, Colleen.
I'm super excited because I got to meet an amazing creature that’s beautiful inside out: Colleen Gallagher. Where do I even begin to share this amazing experience I’ve had with Colleen over the past 6 months. Because I had the amazing opportunity to experience the manifestation program, helping me to create and live that lifestyle that I’ve always wanted, I've discovered so much more of myself, like getting to know what I really desire in the world, and making it come true.
My true desire is to spread love, peace, and positivity, to inspire everyone and to leave a hope print wherever I go. I also wish to be a peace speaker in the United Nations, and to be remembered for the great achievements that I’ve done in my life.
I've always dreamed of achieving or reaching that one day. But I thought it would be difficult and I couldn’t make it happen. Many people have told me that too, and it’s made me lose sight of my hopes and dreams.
But, I've realized that it's my life and not theirs, so, I’m the one who's responsible for it all! I should dream big and keep going, and I won't let anyone or anything to stop me from doing what I truly want and desire.
And this is my message to the world!
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for this amazing opportunity and experience that made me a better version of myself. The person who I am today is because of you.
This program also helped me to love myself much more, with all my flaws and imperfections, because they're imperfectly perfect to me. It also taught me to trust myself, and to have more self confidence to be able to speak up in front of everyone and share my thoughts, ideas, and opinions about life. To share my experiences, and what I’m currently going through, by speaking from the bottom of my heart.
I used to feel shy, but not anymore — because if you're not gonna speak up, how's the world supposed to know that you exist?
So speak up and embrace it! Thank you for believing in me and supporting me. Literally this means the world to me and I appreciate it. I love you beyond words and I'm so proud of you and of the person that you are today. You're such an inspiration to me and to everyone in this world.
To whoever is reading this, keep it in your mind that you are here to live your best life.
All my love.
All the way across the world, and still Colleen was the only one to lift this heavy weight that had been bringing me down alter my breakup. She listened with no judgment and told me something that no one had been telling me.
My ex was not the one causing my unhappiness and tears. There was something inside of me going on — as soon as she started explaining the difference between external and internal factors to happiness, something in me switched. My mindset completely shifted, and my perspective on the breakup changed. For the first time in a long time, I felt at peace with what had happened.
Colleen will go the extra mile for anyone, and is there whenever you need someone to be there for you. You can feel her positivity and love. Even on the other side of the world, there is no one I trust more to go to for support and guidance.
One more thing, Colleen, and hear this: if you had not crossed my path, I would be gone. So you can say you know beyond any doubt that you saved one person’s life with absolute certainty.