✨🧚🏽👀The Power in Gaslighting✨🧚🏽👀
A trending word in the dating world is that people are gaslighting another person.
He gaslights me, or she gaslights me, blah blah blah.
When you ask people what that means, it usually ends up with intentional manipulation or making me feel crazy. Yet those have their own words; we don’t need to combine words to make up a new word.
When the world gaslighting comes from a 1938 British stage play, Gas Light. Where a husband slowly turned down the gas lighting in their home day by day. One day the wife asked, “Honey isn’t it getting darker in here?” The husband replied, “No.” And over time, she ended up “going crazy” because she kept thinking it was getting darker when her husband told her it was not. However, she was right the whole time. Gaslighting is where someone intentionally cultivates an environment where you feel that something is occurring and deliberately lying to you about what they are doing.
And this leads me to the blog I did on what is intuition. As women and men, we have this inner guidance system; we know that when we are doing, saying, or showing up to something, we are betraying ourselves and someone else involved. We like to blame this external world that people are gaslighting us. However, the truth is deep down; we already know what we believe and what we feel is occurring in our reality. Now, suppose you always feel like things are happening to you or in unhealthy conditions. In that case, it is your responsibility to begin to transform how you’re feeling on the inside so you can transform your external reality.
No one and nothing will change around you in your external reality until you begin to change from within. Suppose someone is gaslighting you or in a situation where you are TOLERATING and ACCEPTING an inner feeling inside of you that someone isn’t being fully transparent. In that case, someone isn’t telling the whole truth, or somewhere deep within; you feel your reality does not feel congruent with what is happening within; THAT IS YOUR EMERGENCY SIGNAL. You have two options either have a conversation or take action to begin creating different behaviors and habits. That alone is your responsibility for not listening to your inner knowing, which inherently means you are gaslighting yourself. A signal inside you is going off, alarming you, something doesn’t feel right, and you ignore it. That is, the light is going off, and you chose to ignore it. Gaslighting, adding more fuel to the gas inside of you, for the fire to get more prominent, and eventually, there will be an implosion within you through a medical issue, financial issues, or significant life problems.
There is no such thing as they are gaslighting me. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY as I share in my third book An Uncompromised Life, your external world is because internally you are not listening to the inner voices desiring to guide you to a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy. Instead, there is something deep within you that enjoys the pain. Until you raise your hand and make the commitment of, I WILL TRUST MYSELF; I WILL LISTEN TO THE INNER VOICES GUIDING ME TO LIVE A LIFESTYLE FROM PRAYERS I’ve been saying, you will continue in a toxic relationship again and again and again.
It’s almost like you could date the same person but in five different bodies because you haven’t learned the lesson, and you keep thinking that someone will prove to you that they aren’t like everyone else when you must prove to yourself that you are worthy of living a beautiful life. One of integrity to your heart. One of congruency with your thoughts. And one of unity with your Soul.
I hope this serves, and to go deeper into this I recommend my three-part workshop of How to Overcome Heartbreak and Forever Attract Love.
I love you,