💁♀️🧚🏽👫 How to Connect Deeply With Great Women?👫🧚🏽💁♀️
Interestingly, I woke up this morning to about 15 different messages that ONLY commented on my appearance. Only one of these men has had a prior engagement in any of my posts, or I’d at least seen his face before. That is 0.067% percentage of the men I am somewhat familiar with, meaning I never had a previous 1:1 in-person or online conversation with anyone who comments on my looks. None of these 15 men decided to comment on my work, intelligence, business, creativity, digital marketing, and the long list of other assets I possess, just my looks.
I got various things from cute, talking about my smile, asking for video chats, asking for private photos, sexy, asking for dinner, sending crazy emojis and, unconsciously wanting my presence for free. Then, when I turn around and call out how this is not okay, all THESE MEN – EVERY SINGLE ONE – begin to share how they don’t get how they’re doing is an issue, invaliding my life experience which is alarm bell number two.
Well, let me tell you why you aren’t creating deep, sustainable connections.
First off, I don’t know you, and you’re simply saying the first thing that comes to mind out of your mouth into my virtual world and community I’ve worked very hard to create is rude, disrespectful, and highly egoic. It’s basically like you just received a b0ner, and you are trying to poke it into my body in a public setting, and I DO NOT KNOW YOU.
I have male clients (most of my business) that I’ve never met in person in the virtual online world. There is no relationship; we have no foundation or connection for me to even know why you would think it be okay to say that to a virtual stranger. If we were in person and we were talking, laughing, and having a good time, you read the dynamic we were having; it may be appropriate. You will see them commenting things like beautiful or private messaging me super funny things that may be perceived as inappropriate, yet they understand the key.
The key is this – they have a foundational relationship with me where I feel safe in their intention. I trust them, I know them, I can feel their intention, so I feel safe to move past the boundaries of, “Is this man trying to come invade my space without appreciating who I am?” Does he care so we can build upon a foundation of knowing we both are here as two people wanting to evolve ourselves in this world?”
Only once as a man, you understand how to slow your penetrative thoughts down and build a connection. It’s an illusion to think you can energetically dress up your c0ck’s true thoughts into my messages as the words sexy, beautiful smile, cute, adorable. You can try and lie to yourself that you were trying to be polite, or you couldn’t help yourself, yet don’t lie to me. In truth, you can do the work to create a more solid foundation to connect with me before saying all these pretty words, you are just choosing to be lazy, and this already shares with me exactly why you don’t have deep, meaningful relationships.
Certainly, some men may not want depth or meaning in their relationships; maybe just in and out does it for you. Yet, I don’t believe that is true in its entirety. I believe that is the wounded ego and little boy inside of you who hasn’t faced being able to lay your heart on the table and be unattached, non-controlling if after doing that it still means it might not work out. And trust me, hiding being the wounded little boy avoiding depth in relationships will catch up, as I believe the #1 killer of men in America is loneliness. This happens because men don’t understand how to relate and connect with great women, just as many unhealed women go after the chaotic, non-committal guy; after all, unhealed women used to a chaotic nervous system than a calm nervous system.
So how do you begin to shift this?
1. You must commit to slow the biology of your body down, blood rushing through your c0ck to the thoughts racing through your head, not coming directly out of your mouth
2. Understand that creating an initial solid foundational connection and relationship happens on connecting with what is important to HER, not to you, - You don’t have to take my advice, yet you will continue to stay stuck
3. Once a virtual or in-person genuine 1:1 connection is established and stabilized, then you will have more room to expand into the truth of who you are as funny, witty, saying all the things because she now trusts you instead of feeling like you’re invading her space she has cultivated
4. You begin to understand this has nothing to do with politcs, what you’re saying, or your intention; this fundamentally deals with connecting with women on a deep, meaningful, and profound level for your life to be more fulfilling.
As your life is made up of moments with incredible people or superficial moments. If you are here reading this, I know you desire an incredible life filled with incredible people. And for men, this is the key to open incredible women. Where these steps will allow you to be fully self-expressed in our relating dynamic, regardless of if you want to date a specific woman, just be in her presence, or get inside her circle. As I said, I have many men who have truly connected with me, creating a trusting and safe foundation for me to know their intention, and we have way more perceived inappropriate conversations than the comments I listed at the beginning. Yet it’s because they connected on what was important to me, to build the trust, and from there, our relationship and friendship is unshakable. So, you can go zero to one hundred of what’s on your thoughts because the work was already put in to show you care, honor, and respect who we are and what we represent.
When you read this and want to go deeper on how to relate with women as this is dynamic to create a long-lasting and sustainable relationship, I recommend getting inside my How to Make the Awakened Woman Crave You Workshop. As it’s going to help you astronomically attract a woman that you want to be around, build sustainable business relationships with, as well as personal relationships. And offer you the opportunity to move away from superficial dynamics into meaningful connections.
I share practical steps on how to slow the thoughts down not to ruin potentiality, great friends, allies, and dating relationships.
Practical tips on what to do to build trust with classy women.
Practical tips on how to avoid women who just aren’t interested and are stringing you along.
& so much more.
I love you,