How to Begin Co-Creating Your Life Story With the Universe

I think there are two types of people in this world – one the kind that just gets up does life goes through it mindlessly – the second is the person who becomes the observer of their life in a constant state of listening and seeing the messages from the Universe. And if you want to become the co-creator of your reality where it feels like you have power in dictating how your life unfolds, you must begin to see that life does not just happen to you, but life happens as you.

See, the journey to co-creation with the Universe is broken into four steps.

Step One is when we walk through life beginning to think that life happens to us.

For example, for many years, I thought childhood cancer and my lifetime diagnosis happened to me. I felt that nothing from this cancer was going to be taken for good. I thought that the world was so horrible to me to have me witnessed other children experience cancer and die. Also, I had the world show me that children were born to parents who couldn't pay for their treatments. This mindset of life offered me a lot of suffering, TONS of bursts of anger breakouts, and even more deeply, it makes you feel like everything is happening to you, and there is nothing you can do to take control and power in your own life, so you feel in control. I remember when I was told I'd be on medication a pill a day for the rest of my life at age 14; this is how I felt.

I asked doctors if there was an alternative, and everyone would say no, it would just feel like you're a car running on empty. This way of living in the constant state of feeling like UGH is one more thing that is occurring to me that I cannot do something about.

Step Two life happens for you once you begin to realize your pains, challenges, and everyday moment-to-moment life even when you're running late, and you catch EVERY SINGLE RED LIGHT. This is all happening for you, not against you. For example, when I've been stressed our MANY times needing to catch a flight, but the Uber driver was slow, every red light was being caught in those moments, I am now reminded the Universe is asking me to SLOW DOWN, to be present. The Universe wants to deliver a message, but I am unavailable to hear it when I think everything is working against me. The sooner I can relax and breathe, reminding myself, "I am right where I am meant to be, everything is working out, even if I miss my flight, some Universal experience is meant to occur, or there is someone I am meant to meant." As soon as I begin to repeat this and slow my thoughts of frustration down. I usually strike up a conversation with the Uber driver or someone at the airport, and more likely than not, they typically buy one of my books or oracle decks. This is when you begin to know your life is co-creating between you and the Universe. Instead of step one, you are completely turned off from the conversation where the Universe is desiring to guide you to feeling good, living with joy, and experiencing true freedom from within.

Step Three life happens with you is an excellent step because this is where the magic begins to occur within your life of the Universe, a real guiding force that you connect with frequency as you make decisions and tune your emotional frequency throughout the day to moment. This step is where instead of turning to the Universe as a secondhand option to offer relief to feelings of anger, frustration, or annoyance, the Universe becomes a guiding force you automatically turn to. For example, if you're having a bad day, if you experience a betrayal, if you need to make a big decision, this is the stage of co-creation where you would begin by first off going, "Okay Universe, give me a sign, offer me guidance, provide me information to support me in making the decision that best aligns me with you and my life mission." This is where you regularly and openly have conversations with a Higher Power, and you create practices and habits of how the Universe speaks to you and moves through you. For example, the other day, I was traveling and went for a walk around this community park. I was returning to my hotel, and I saw an Arby's and Arby's instead in Los Angeles. I thought I LOVE Arby's fries.

I want some. I see it is only DRIVE THROUGH due to the pandemic. So I decided to walk through the drive-through because I wanted this. And instead of saying, OF COURSE, this happens to me. I begin to co-create with the Universe. So I'm standing in line with the cars. Then I went up to order, and the order station couldn't tell I was standing there as it had a sensor and I wasn't in a car! So I thought, "Shoot! Well, I could go ask the car behind me to pull up." AS SOON as I thought this thought, the car pulled up and went, "let me help you." I THOUGHT BRILLIANT! He laughed and said, "you want those fries, right?" I was like, "YES." And this is when life is happening with you as you perceive it and choose it, which is the power of co-creating your life story with the Universe moment by moment.

Step Four life happens as you; this is the final step where you no longer have a conversation with the Universe or need to consult Higher Powers; you are simple in a FLOW state. This means that life is flowing through you. Everywhere you go, people wonder who they are? How are they doing whatever they are doing? I need to learn how to do that or get on what they are on! This is when you almost seem untouchable because, in a way, your kind of art. The Universe is something naturally flowing through you, your body, your actions, your words are no longer yours; it's something more significant than you are coming through your moment to moment. We also know this as channeling. You often ask people how they've done something or how they shared such great wisdom and came up with a great idea. And they simply don't know or don't remember. This is because their connection to something greater than them is so strong, potent, and powerful life happens as the Universe is flowing through them. There is no separation between blissful and painful feelings because this person has reached the ultimate practiced state of Enlightenment and trust in the unknown, which allows the magic of life to unfold for them and everyone else to witness and become inspired to believe. This is when we are fully activated in our co-creative relationship with the Universe because we are inspiring Consciousness to activate by others simply being a witness to us.

If you like this conversation and want to go deeper, I’ve opened my "Your Road to Magic in 90 Days"
In these 90 days, I will be working with you on:
Moving Through Your Trauma
Beginning to Navigate How the Universe Communicates with You
Seeing how Your Trauma History is Part of your Future Thriving Success Story
Learning the Art of Communicating Your Trauma to create a Soul Business and Community
Empowering You to Feel a Greater Connection with Your Spirituality
Guiding you on creating multiple offers at multiple price points to begin earning and earning $10k-$30k months.
Empowering you to Love Selling Digitally Online
Revealing Marketing Secrets That Will Give You the Framework to Make Passive Income and a Multiple Six-Figure Business
Be the Leader of Your Community; you Curate with Other Passionate Souls who Care About What You Care About in this World.

What is Included:
24/7 access to me to be guided through daily questions
Six 1:1 Calls
Access to Any of my Self-Study Courses to Support you in Reaching the next level of your Enlightenment and Lifestyle Success
Again, only three spots are available.
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I'm SOUL excited for you to be the next person I coach to live a fairytale life in all areas.

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I love you,


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