The Colleen Gallagher Blog
What if making more money was as simple as loving yourself more?
We all want to make more money in some capacity because of who we become in the process.. But what if making more money was as simple as loving yourself more?
How to Begin Co-Creating Your Life Story With the Universe
Here are the four stages to Consciousness and how you truly begin to co-create your life with the Universe so you feel empowered, fulfilled, and like your life is a never-ending fairytale.
How I Made Nearly $200k in 2021 and You Can Too
Here is how I leveraged heartbreak, pain, falling in love to create a nearly $200k yearly business by its third year in business. Making it a multiple six-figure business of what the company has earned from the online space.
How to Break The Habit of Habitually Lying to Yourself
Are you tired of lying to yourself that your life is “good” compared to the average person because something deep within you knows you were meant for great! Then read this to learn how to stop lying to yourself and start your career as a professional writer.
What is the Number One Killer of the Masculine?
Learn about what is killing the masculine, how you can learn to unleash your feminine, attract the relationships and career you desire, and avoid massive health dis-eases by tuning into who you were always truly meant to become.