When you Feel Like Everything is Being Taken From You – The Story of my Facebook Being Hacked & the Breakthrough

I’ll never forget April 30th, 2021 10 am PST.


I just got off the phone with a woman who was in the same Ph.D. program I was in having an “intervention” because within week one of the program she told me, “don’t be dramatic.”


Because I didn’t want to create a group invite calendar for all 16 people in the cohort.


It then spiraled out of control with her criticizing an email I sent from a class I was unhappy with to then not being able to be in the same WhatsApp group chat, making it awkward for the whole cohort.


So, I brought this to Pepperdine for the teachers to step in


Well, the call didn’t go well.
This woman was creating her own narrative off on what my text actually said.
Meaning she was creating her own meaning beyond my written words in her mind to feel like she was a victim.
This is called gaslighting, lying, framing someone else, and dissociation from reality.


As many of you know I have overcome narcissistic and co-dependent abuse so my tolerance for entertaining this behavior is little next to none.


Well, we hang up the call with no real resolution.
And as everything is a frequency - this woman’s low vibe energy tapped over into my field, as I’m sure my high vibe energy tapped into her field. That is why it is a MUST to become aware of your environment and tolerate nothing that is low frequency.

Minutes after the call I receive an email from what appears to be Facebook stating I violated a community guideline – which I didn’t.

false email for hack 1-05-10 at 7.17.14 PM.png

Well, I did do a video the night before because I became aware that there was a movement for men seeking more virtual rights in chat rooms for child p0rn, as they are not acting on it in a virtual world. And this mans said, “every culture has a minority we are the minority in America.”

VOMIT - I wanted to literally PURGE the fact this is even legal to speak this without directly being emitted into a hospital for neurons firing incorrectly in your brain.
And I began to feel this is the issue with “minority” culture in this society.
Because it’s pointing out our differences instead of rising into unity Consciousness and giving rise to SICK people like this trying to normalize sick things.
So I did a live video on this, simply stating that I am at a ZERO point, which means we are all at the same level there’s no better or worse, difference because of looks or desires. We are in unity so we stop giving these types of darker energies the opportunity to rise.

So I maybe thought this video broke some guidelines.
So I put my information in to ask for an appeal.

It was a hack.

I get a notification from Facebook email ___________ has full access over The Colleen Gallagher Facebook Page.
Next email - You’ve lost all control over Colleen Gallagher International page.

I’m on the phone with my friend screaming, “OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD.”
I see on my personal Facebook page child p0rn being posted.
Email from Facebook - Your personal page has broken community standards - if you believe this is a mistake please ask for an appeal.
I try to reach out to Facebook and there’s nothing, no one.

I was screaming.
It felt like the inside of me was just ripped out of me taken, throw, beaten up, and I was left with no physical person to call in this physical world.
My friend on the phone was going whatever is happening isn’t really happening right now.
You are safe, no one thinks it was you.
No one saw what you saw, I was on your Facebook Page.
My anxiety goes into overdrive I go I must save all my content - so I go on my Facebook Page and I get all my content.

I feel like what I just devoted my life to the past three years was taken from me, and I had no one to call.
I had no one to help me.
I had no one to help me make sense of how child p0rn was just showcased and I coulnd’t help these children I saw in the virtual videos.
I felt devasted.
Just what is this going to mean for me - my third book An Uncompromised Life launches in 38 days.

Well then four posts are done on my Facebook Page and ads are beginning to run, totally off my brand.
Totally horrifying.
They rack up the ad bill to $25,000 worth of ads to my Ad Accounts, Facebook shut it down within two days, seeing it was a hack.
Yet I still couldn’t access the page because my personal page violated the community guidelines from the hacker.


Then I spent the next 15 days or so trying to tweet Facebook, I wrote a hand-written letter to Facebook, showed up to their LA campus, added people on LinkedIn, called the police to create an Identity Stolen report, called an attorney, reached out to the California State Attorney General trying to prove that I didn’t post child p0rn on my personal page, I want my business page back I didn’t do anything wrong, I was hacked and whoever this was, really was trying to get me off the platform.


Well, I had no luck.


During this time these hackers tried to hack my Amazon account.

They hacked all my bank accounts trying to take over $1,038,923.05

I began to receive scary text messages.
The police could only write a report for identity theft, yet there was nothing anyone could do to help me get my Facebook Business Back.


So naturally, I felt frustrated, betrayed, upset.

I felt like the masculine system let me down in so many ways when I showed up and did the right thing, yet doing the right thing wasn’t enough for the system to support you in receiving your business back to support your mission from God.

How did this platform I believed in so deeply, I put so much trust into this relationship, I showed up and did everything, right, be so unequipped to let me down so easily?
How is there no one in this company to support me or legally in the United States to protect my business from just being virtually stolen?
If this was a brick and motor business this would never be legal to get away with.


So, I began to study the law, understand policy, and I came to an understanding this is part of my purpose.

Now what is even crazier is that my third book An Uncompromised Life releases June 8th, 2021.
I was going to spend most of May promoting the book and doing a virtual book launch.

Now that wasn’t going to be possible with my major community taken away from me.


I felt like my third book An Uncompromised Life that touches on four controversial topics are:

·       Co-dependent and Narcissistic Abuse

·       Abortion

·       Overcoming a long-term Western Medicine Diagnosis as we are emerging after COVID

·       Understanding Generational Lineage


And this felt like a direct attack to stop the light.
It felt like this was a battle within The Awakening and I had two options to let the darkness pour over me and let my anxiety of feeling like I was losing everything win OR see this as an opportunity for even greater light to shine through.


What’s even crazier is the largest amount of money that was attempted to be debited from my account was $888,888.88 – Ella’s Dad had a trauma when he was 8 years old – the number of the Divine Feminine.

So, I knew this was a sign from a much darker force than me, that what I was offering into the world through my third book An Uncompromised Life is SO BRIGHT – that yet again darkness is desiring to interfere.
Yet in the long run, it’s only going to allow me to illuminate the path with a brighter light, as I will rise through this.


So, trust me I know what it feels like to feel like everything is being taken from you.
When I promised my daughter Ella when I let her go until I am able to adopt her I will do everything to share our story and guide people to fall in love together, to bring us together in the physical world.
I feel like this experience happened so I can know what it feels like to be framed and that there is no one to call, the relationship you built with someone they aren’t responding (Facebook in this case), and that you feel like a darker force that police cannot protect you from is coming after you.

And all you can do is feel it and then chose to show up anyway.
Chose to realign.
Ask yourself:

  • What is the deeper purpose for this?

  • What is the best-case scenario from this occurring?

  • Where was I not pivoting when I knew my intuition was telling me to take action to do something different?

  • And most importantly what if everything was being given to me instead of taken from me?


When all of this happened, and it felt like this devotion of my business I primarily run-on Facebook was being taken.

I felt disappointed, betrayed, like the masculine structure of society let me down.
I was like seriously again, I thought I beat this paradigm.

Yet then I remembered, there is a greater purpose.
Then I started to get involved in asking more questions about policy.

Then I was in a Public Policy Course for my Ph.D. and in D.C.  –(the irony of this story God co-created in my life)
It all started to make sense.
This is all in a divine alignment and plan.

Then I started to write more for my fourth book, I began my poetry book.
I started my art again.


At times it felt challenging, it felt like when will this all stop.

Then I remembered this is the work.
This is the way of the Light to take the cards as The Universe gives them to you knowing it’s exactly how it’s meant to be.

And trust you still get to show up from this place of feeling lost.

You still get to innovate.
You still are brilliant, strong, worthy, and capable even when things are feeling like they are slipping, it’s only happening for more space to be available for what The Universe is about to offer you.


So yes, I got hacked and I found a deeper meaning of my purpose, I leaned into my Divinity, I listened to new layers of creativity I hadn’t yet found within myself, and most importantly I surrendered to completely trust this process, because I know the whole story is bigger than me, and God is only offering this to prepare me to transition into a greater level of my dreams.

And I began to see my career does not rely on one platform.
My lifestyle career is through my expression, through my mindset, through my creations and my life proved to be true with that through this.
I shifted and navigated my business grew in unexpected ways.

The same is true for you right now as well.
Whatever you are going through you can see there is a Higher Purpose and a Divine Alignment, it’s just a simple choice.

When you read this, and you desire to go deeper into navigating these emotions get inside my Anxiety Relief workshop as I teach you how to practice this emotional navigation in chaotic times.


And make sure to order my third book An Uncompromised Life – as without the principles I live and teach in this book, this would have thrown me off my game for months, whereas now it was just a week. And my intention is for you to have these same results of taking control of your emotions, rolling with the way the Universe feels like it is throwing never-ending curveballs into your life, and most importantly for you to begin to live a lifestyle you are widely in love with.

 & remember what if everything is actually being given to you for you to create, receive your Highest Potentiality of living your own modern-day fairytale.

Let me know what comes up in the comments.
I love you,
Colleen Gallagher


What is a Frequency Shift and How Do You Go Through One?


“Once I have more money then I will have less problems.”