What to do with “Awake” Daydreams and Lucid Dreams

You know the moments you catch yourself drifting off from work?

From your child’s or parent's conversations?

At a dinner party?

Heck, even just having a conversation with your friends?

Early in the morning or before bed.

Many people have probably stopped and asked you before when this happens without you knowing - HELLO - EARTH TO (YOUR NAME) - Are you here?

Where did you go?

And you enter back into your body all frazzled because the truth is you didn’t even know you weren’t present off in another world.

It just happened.

And then you try to ask yourself where did I go?

And if you were with people, you know you weren’t “gone,” not present for too long because they called you back into reality.

Yet if you were alone and this happens, you begin to wonder how long was I just lost in a “daydream?”

Sometimes you remember you were creating visions where later you have Déjà vu of these visions...

Sometimes you snap back into this reality and feel like WOAH - what did I experience - why did I have that vision? Doesn’t it make any sense?

Why did that experience feel so real like it happened in my life, it felt like I was in another room at my parent's house, or a movie theater with my friend, or at an ice cream shop I’ve never been to, or I got news this friend betrayed me in the future, or this person became a client, or I received a promotion at a company I don’t even work for that doesn’t make any sense?

I was sitting right here the whole time, yet it felt like I was physically somewhere else. It felt so real. How could this happen?

You try to hyper analyze it, and then you move forward with your day.

Sometimes tears begin to roll down your face when you are in this “daydreaming” state.

And many times, as I once did in my life, you begin to wonder when this daydreaming state vision will end up happening in your real life?

& you go, I SAW THIS.

Where did I see this happen in my life before it happened?

And you remember in your awake “dream state.”

Part of you is freaked out.

Part of you is used to this “unexplained” hiccup in your life experience.

Part of you is curiously wondering how I can do this more frequently with more consistency around things I want to create in reality?

Little did I know back when I was having these visions, it was my third eye - my mind's eye.

Little did I know it was my physical abilities coming online.

Little did I know this is an essential human gift and function that ALL OF US CARRY.

Little did I know that these “daydreams” were out-of-body experiences where I was leaving my body and going into various timelines of my future and accessing information of what was about to occur in my life.

I didn’t know I could use this information to realign my current reality with actions that would guarantee results in the short-term and long term.

Little did I know these seemingly “daydreams” were me accessing other realms to create things in the now to further my dreams and practically create results, impact, influence, a fantastic lifestyle.

Little did I know this was an operating and guidance system that EVERY HUMAN has access to.

And we can go into this dream state to access whatever reality we want to create and live into - & EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEing can access this “dream state reality.”

Every single human has access to the third eye visions.

Every single person can begin to CREATE & ALIGN to a life that will guarantee “results.”

Yet as you do this work, you’ll begin to transform the “results” you think you so BADLY cling to of what will bring you freedom, joy, love, and happiness because, on this journey, you begin to SEE other possibilities that you cannot yet see at this moment because your:

👽 Carrying blockages

👽Attached to outcomes of things that really will not serve you

👽Being asked to dissolve relationships that are holding you down

👽Team of Angels & Guides ask you to do, be, and express things you are fearful of doing, being, and saying, yet you're asking for unexplainable results and not “doing” the work.

👽Becoming distracted by the standards of this world instead of following your inner knowing

As well as a list of other possible causes for malfunction or appeared dysfunction that’s happening in your body or reality of WHY this thing hasn’t yet manifested in your reality.

And this is why starting, and deepening your spiritual journey is a commitment that must occur.

Because these “daydreams” these lucid dreams become our reality when we know how to capture them and move them through us.
This is why allowing yourself to be put into environments that allow you to put language into your life experience will guide you to become open, connected, move into a freedom lifestyle, and most importantly become surrounded by others who are on the same wild, journey you are on so you feel a sense of true community.

This is what we offer within The Expanded Liberation Society and Magazine feel free to join to receive our past magazine issues and future as we go deeper into conversations around these topics, and create a safe space for these conversations to be held.

I love you
Turn your life into the greatest love affair

PS - let me know what comes up in the comments.


“Once I have more money then I will have less problems.”


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