How Do You Get the Awakened Woman You Crave?


To get the woman you so deeply crave you must fundamentally understand you truly have to begin to not care about women (become unattached - I’ll explain).

I am not saying become rude to women or a grade A meanie.

I’m saying you literally get to cultivate an energy of I AM GOOD with or without you.

My mood, my sexuality, my demeanor, my life are just so good.

Your energy (sexual energy) doesn’t get OVERLY excited when around the feminine. - this takes practice - join a men’s group

Your energy isn’t chasing her down - I MUST talk to you / have dinner with you.

You aren’t out the door going I WILL PAY for everything for you and your friends, whatever makes you happy. (Financial providing & happiness aren’t the way anymore)

You aren’t blowing up the phone good morning, how’s your day, let’s talk later tonight - it’s will repulse the awakened feminine away as she’s off being devoted to her work coming through

You drop the “I’m busy” there’s a lot going on - Great we have the same lifestyle as you now so HUSH

However, when you are with women your FULLY present - not half-assed - no “rushing” to squeeze you in between meetings - FULLY THERE

You actually plan the date that shows you took time beforehand to pay attention & get to know her and be inclusive of her desires and interest

& you sexually ARE FULL - this means you are not on the date having any thought of WHEN WILL SHE SUBMIT to me - you literally don’t care if she does or doesn’t because you’ve cultivated an inner knowing 2839749 women will submit- (yet if you have this attitude of the time she’ll submit in some way or right at her inner “rule”)

There’s a list of other things.

Yet men the focus is on you before the relationship begins - and it transitions once YOUR IN by providing pleasure to her which brings you DEEP fulfillment - yet pleasure is no longer a tangible item you can provide - this is the ART

I have so many guy friends that say they hate hanging out with their “normal” guy friends because all they talk about is woman, s3x, and business.

Because the old masculine structure which was needed and appreciated to lay the foundation of this world - with roads, post offices, grocery stores, businesses, systems - so you could always provide for your family to evolve - so we’re here at the world with structure because you were told DO whatever at all cost to keep the feminine happy, safe and supported to create a family - which ending up meaning providing all these things

Yet the feminine no longer is requiring you to provide anything to be happy. The feminine is self-providing and fulfilling herself.

So you feel left out, abandon, like wait what about me?
How can I still be included - NOTICE ME!
I PROMISE I’ll provide and do everything you want.
Like a little boy wanting to be noticed by his Mom, yet you are in an adult body.

It’s confusing AF.

Literally, I’ve heard multiple men say this - you must just stop giving all your attention to women.
You may really like a woman - yet be good in your own space.

Live your life.
Hold the fort down.
She’ll return to your energy when you do this without you needing to ask.
And naturally, you won’t need to TELL her everything you're going to do - you’ll actually just do it and surprise her - you’ll see her lite up because of you surprising her - and this becomes CLEAR when you start to see who “the” woman is because your eyes penetrate instead of just your c0ck.
& sometimes the woman you really like she won’t return to you.
Sometimes you’ll have to learn to just be the mountain.
Be unattached.
Learn to “not” care if you put the “feelers” out there and she doesn’t come crashing back into you.
Focus on you.
Understand your anger and rage NEEDS a healthy outlet - just not with women - FIND THE OUTLET.
Get different guy friends.
Go to the bar alone WITH ZERO intention to meet a woman.
Get the coach/therapist.
Do the workout.
Start the art project / or business.
STOP chasing her - finding a way to add value / provide to her
Work on being you - live your truth
Take care of you
Literally, BE THE MAN all the time with or without her.
She’ll then come, and you’ll just know I’m going to POUR everything into her because you love seeing the way she returns over and over again, and you never need to ask.

Because you did the work to be good being you regardless of anyone else!
Leave your thoughts in the comments.
Enroll in my workshop I did support men in this “Attract the Awakened Woman To Create Your Forever Divine & Sexy Relationship”

Turn your life into the greatest love affair,
Colleen Gallagher


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