What if I Fail? How to handle the inner critic!

I’ve had a lot of clients, digital speaking events, and personal messages lately around the topic what if I go for it and fail Colleen?


And I shared a powerful and BIG idea with a client today that I wanted to share with all of you.

What if the perceived “failing” was part of the journey?
What if the perceived “falling down” was a redirection to align you with your destiny?
What if there were only messages instead of failing?

I mean think about it, you’re going on an amazing trip you are so excited about, then the plane is delayed.
The voice inside your head, “of course this happens to me!”
Your inner critique thinks you failed up for choosing that flight, that airline, how could you?

So, your only option is to find the bar order tea, coffee, or wine. Well to your surprise you end up sitting next to the most incredible human and having the most beautiful conversations and connections.
 So did you fail, or was the plane being delayed a redirection to alignment for you to connect with someone who may be a momentary connection or a lifelong friend?

Reflect for a moment with me.
Are amazing memories made when we plan breakfast at 9:00 am, must leave by 9:18 am, to arrive at 9:30 am for the appointment.
Is this fun for anyone?
NO, this is so rigid. There is no space for magic, miracles, adventures to show up.

Let’s say, though, on top of this RIGID schedule, you arrive at your destination and realize it was an 8 am appointment instead of 9 am.
And your immediate response is,
I’m so stupid!
I never mix this up.
How did this happen?

Instead, wow, hm interesting, delayed flight, mixed up my appointment.
I wonder what message, what adventure the world has in store for me?
Is there a new café?
A new boutique shop?
Is there a voice inside my head desiring to guide and offer me answers to questions that keep returning to me?

What if the perceived failure, the thing you think you messed up is offering you as a sign, guidance for you to SLOW DOWN, to hear the inner whisper, to see the sign to take the class, join the yoga studio, attend the speed dating event, that you're meant to see so you take action to transform your life?

What if there was no such thing as failure?
It was erased gone from your vocabulary.
Instead, you saw everything as part of the journey, the adventure.
Every moment is guiding you into

To hear the inner voice.
To take action.
To transform your life.
To create your dream reality.
While impacting the lives of others.

Because beginning to turn your passions into a business, creating your lifestyle career of freedom, changing the lives of others, there will be WHOOPSIES.

You will be late.
You will overspend #thankgod for credit
You will face the awkward limiting beliefs of sales
You will go through many relationships

Yet, none of them are failures.
It’s all part of the adventure, the journey, the process of your beautiful life unraveling in front of your beautiful eyes.

Where you become the art, the movie star, the main character.

It’s all about you and aligning to the truth of why you are here, sharing the love inside of you with the world, and not just offering positivity or being the good friend yet creating a sustainable business that will support you for these lifetimes and lifetimes to come. 

Feel free to let me know what comes up in the comments.

I love you,

PS — if you feel called to go deeper on this big idea, I recommend my 1:1 mentorship, where we work together to create your fairytale life and overcome the fears, the failures, and am I enough to start right now. We get you super clear on your purpose, your destiny, the thing that keeps returning to your mind, of what if this could be my life? The fairytale, the creation of products, the company, and the community are surrounded by people you love. Please apply using the link below.


Two if you enjoy this BIG concept yet are new to transforming your perspective, I recommend my self-study 8-week manifestation course


Three my third book, An Uncompromised Life, shares many practical steps on transforming trauma and heartbreak into beauty


My podcast, The Colleen Gallagher Podcast, shares many steps to beginning to enhance your mindset.



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