Colleen Gallagher International

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Why You Are Staying in a Relationship You Know Is’nt Good for You and How to Process This?

Okay, something big has transitioned in my life, and I am finally available and ready to talk about it.

For those of you who have been in my intimate space or clients have known in 2019, I became pregnant, and I aborted the child six days after my first missed period. As when I initially went in, their technology couldn’t confirm it. My third book, An Uncompromised Life, extensively goes into this part of my life around the relationship I co-created the creation of my daughter Ella who I’ll be adopting within a few years, the journey of healing cancer, love, growth, figuring out how to navigate this life where we follow our heart even if our mind knows something isn’t good, for us.

 However, the lessons I’ve learned, the beauty experienced, the memories of good, the answers I’ve received, the newfound understanding I have between being in love and being in passion is profound. In my heart, what I’ve learned and want to share with each of you is that we are all on our journey. We never know where someone else is on their journey or why they may be choosing certain relationships, outcomes, or things in their life, but I promise you it aligns with their life journey. So, I trust many of you understand this and know this was my most remarkable journey for me to more FULLY EMBODY love to complete my future mission to active love on this planet. Right now, I am still a bit unclear of why I chose this again, but I know it’s for something greater than me.

Over time, there does become a point where if two people cannot choose a similar life path together, choose to align to a direction of Enlightenment and growth together. The gap of their ideas of growth, development, truth, what they want from this life grows too big; the Universe will force a separation as EACH PERSON paints too many red flags in the other person’s eyes. This does not make one person wrong or one person good. It just means that your journeys in this human experience can no longer weave, flame, and fly together for each person’s sanity, peace, and alignment.

The next thing I’d like to share is that it is not your job to PUT the other party down as yourself or a friend. It is simply to observe and allow the person you are witnessing to see the universe has other plans for both individuals. Being together will not allow each person to fulfill the individual destined life path they have been called for. Which makes a separation so painful.

Because you can have deep passion and love for someone, it doesn’t mean they get a seat at your table. You know you will miss someone randomly throughout your life but still know letting go is the right choice. And this is what makes love, connection, and relating so vulnerable. Because you give pieces of yourself to people, and they give pieces of themselves to you, there is no guarantee on forever. There is only trust in the Universe; something more remarkable with the shot you are taking with someone can turn into an infinity of lifetimes.

Sometimes when that shot doesn’t work, we feel like failures.
We wonder, “can it ever happen again?”
 Our minds will spin in all the memories of it. If did this or that differently could it have worked?
But no, in truth, it was a beautiful moment in time where you can freeze the good memories and take those with you for the future love affair of a life that is waiting for you.

So, to my community, I am sorry this was a separate life I lived from many of you, and a few of you got to witness the magic of it.

I am grateful to this man for the moments he has given me where I could become empowered to choose to capture the positive memories into my future stories and release what didn’t serve either of us.

So, my heart is a bit tender right now, and I wanted to again be authentic and transparent with this community as it is built on love.
I am releasing, realigning, and transforming to align for the partner I know I’m ready to experience life with.

I want you to know whatever you are experiencing in your relationship with passion, love, and intensity, I promise you that you are right where you’re meant to be. No matter how good or how bad it may seem, there is a gift and -MESSage for you in it always!

And to my many lifetimes and centuries of a Beloved, I am grateful we are both now free to live in peace.
 With that, I have training that talks about How to Overcome Heartbreak and Forever Attract Love. I’ve been relistening to it to help myself.
And my recorded virtual book talk with An Uncompromised Life.

I love you,