Colleen Gallagher International

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Why is it important to share your story?

Storytelling is becoming increasingly more important, it has become a “buzzword” for the world.
Storytelling is the birth of communication with people.
Storytelling is the birth of someone using language to be vulnerable.

From our childhood to this moment in time, the importance to continue to create story time within our lives remains.
In our youth, story time is time set aside where we could just imagine, we could listen and we had a space to interact with those around us about the story we were hearing.

A story is made up of words which are made up of letters.
A story with no emotion, no meaning is simply just giving information into the world.
A story creates a space that only projects into the world but does not allow others to interact with us in the world.

Storytelling is a two way interaction because it’s the birth of a communication, but it is evoking emotion from those listening.
Storytelling has become such a buzz word because it’s allowing us to finally be free within the world.
Storytelling is what makes us become more self-aware on how we have the power to create a vulnerable space with each other.

A story is words put together with no meaning.
A story is told because our soul is screaming for someone just to listen to us because we are not listening to our soul’s true needs.
A story is a cry for help from within because we are denying our soul the privilege to speak our truth.

Storytelling is when our soul and heart put meaning into the words we speak.
Storytelling is when we start to communicate in words that evoke an emotion within us to then share that into the world.
Storytelling is when we share our story from our truth within to allow ourselves to be vulnerable.

Storytelling has become a profession, a buzzword, and has remained important since we have been children because it’s a word that subconsciously helps people create a space for connection to be born.
Every day we form words and speak them into the world.
Every day you have the power within you to create a story or you can tell a story.

That energy you give into the world comes back to you.
Being a storytelling is telling others how we see the world around us.
Being a storyteller means you realize your voice, the energy you hold within, and how you are perceiving the world.
Being a storyteller is your birth right to let your soul be vulnerable with your true self, and share your vision of the world with those around you.

You have the power to speak letters that make words or you have the power to share your story on how the world excites you.
I hope you choose to become a storyteller.

My storytelling is just beginning, but I hope together we can start to exchange our stories.

As always travel with me through love,
Xoxo Colleen