Colleen Gallagher International

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What Will Make You Sustainably Happy over a Lifetime?

Throughout my life, the constant questions people ask me are,


Colleen, why do you do what you do?

How have you been able to travel the world full-time and afford it?


Well, what I’ve learned through this past year and my third book releasing in 8 days is that sustainable happiness is an inside job.


My point in sharing this is to offer the question, “does this long list of achievements create sustainable happiness?”

The answer is no.


Many times, people say, “I desire to be happy,” and they go through the list of recommended things to do to find happiness


  • Receiving greater wealth

  • Connecting with strangers

  • Creating a life with a significant other

  • Starting a family

  • Creating more businesses


Yet, in reality, these are all things external to you. While sure these external things might make you happy for a moment to reach the six-figure business, the seven figures, the eight figures, getting into the divine relationship, yet that feeling of happiness will only last for a moment unless you know the secret which is:


Are you truly connected to who you are meant to be, and are you living your life embodied as the True you from this connected place?

Because the truth is you can get to your desired “destination” be around the most incredible people, and still feel alone, feel misunderstood, not heard or seen, feel that your achievements still aren’t enough. You realize that no amount of “new” money you create is increasing your happiness. As an overachiever, you begin to realize this habit that you keep achieving things, where you get to the top of the mountain, and then you ask yourself, “But wait, I thought it was supposed to be better than this?” I thought this thing, this relationship, this achievement was going to transform it all for me, but it didn’t last that long, and now I feel empty again, you begin the obsessive search to find the next thing to fill the emptiness.


Why does this happen?

Well, it’s because you missed the point of feeling connected to energetic frequencies on your journey to the destination. It’s because, on your journey, you weren’t present with the people around you. Instead, you were rushing to the end destination. It’s because you thought anything outside of this moment, right here, right now, would offer you happiness. When the truth is who I am when no one is watching, when I’m writing, when I’m creating, when I’m connecting to the higher frequencies coming through my third eye, feeling the sensations of the channeling through my body, this is what awakens sustainable happiness within me.


This Revelation inspired my new online course Create - Write - Share - Receive  where I guide you to become the creator of your reality. As well as teaching you the ins and outs of how to create an online community that is sustainable, fulfilling and long-lasting. This program will empower you to begin to understand life different, and guide you to remember that you can transform your reality by beginning to express the truth of who you are.


I love you,