Colleen Gallagher International

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What is Coaching, and Why is it Important?

We are multi-dimensional and dynamic beings.

For a lot of our lives, we’ve been forced to be boxed into “this is who you are, stay in this box and category like a caged animal” so that the human mind can process who we are.

This creates a lot of mental harm to those of us who are aliens functioning in a human world.

As we try to fit into a mold to be accepted, validated, and admired by a system that cannot offer that for us.

I was blessed to begin to awaken from the matrix of illusion of relationships and career success when I realized I wasn’t happy, and I wanted more out of this life back in 2017.

This is what inspired me to leave my corporate job and move across the world to New Zealand at age 23 all alone.

Eventually, this led me into the coaching industry, where I began to change my life because I started to get around people living the life I wanted. I began to invest tens of thousands of dollars into my personal growth and development. Where I started to realize that nothing in this outside world, the government, medical systems, people, things, etc. I mean, NOTHING outside of me would be able to support me in creating my dreams unless I began to work on making them happen first.

Many people ask me what I do or are confused by the wide variety of what I do for a living, so I figured I’d share this post.

What is the coaching industry and why it is different from therapy?

I’ve done a lot of work in psychology, therapy, academia, coaching, and real-life experience.

Therapy begins by focusing on ONE SINGULAR past event to start to unfold why your life is the way it is. In therapy, it’s usually over a period of time while you’re in the process of grieving or trying to understand an event. While doing this process, you undo specific neurological pathways causing your mind to suffer. The goal is to create an understanding of a particular painful event where you accept what’s occurred in your life, and you can begin to move forward in a more WHOLE, peaceful, and well-functioning state. It’s great if you’ve gone through an extremely traumatic event and require immediate emotional relief to return to a state of functioning.

In my opinion, coaching has yielded me the greatest return on investment besides EMDR and neurofeedback therapy because these tools are more focused on how to get you into a state of growth and expansion in the NOW! Instead of processing everything from the past to maybe, hopefully, one day get into the state of presence, happiness, and fulfillment you want to feel in life. Therapy, in my opinion, isn’t as expansive as coaching because you can talk about the same story OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN and get no breakthrough unless something like EMDR, neurofeedback therapy, hypnotherapy, or coaching is involved. I love coaching because it’s not just a therapist talking about THEORY or what is supposed to work from a textbook.

Coaching REQUIRES the person you are learning from has lived through your experiences so that they can teach on it. This means your coach has experienced the same trauma you have, heartbreak, the multi-six figure or seven-figure business, traveling to 42 countries, going to school, writing a book, and creating their products. Coaching isn’t just a theory that someone goes to school to learn about how the brain works and then takes a test to be certified to support you. Successful coaching is I’ve LIVED THROUGH IT. I’ve got you because I am you. I suffered, and here are all the modalities I’ve to utilize, and I can ADAPT MY TEACHINGS to your transformation based on what you need instead of what the THEORY in a textbook says. Coaching is THIS IS THE LIFE I live so I can walk anyone through the stages I’ve taken so my life you see can happen for you.

Therefore, I have a coaching practice. I never wanted to work for someone else. Plus I always wanted to control that I provide a safe place for my clients to BECOME who they are meant to become, not on theory but in my life experience.

This is also why I’VE BEEN through so much at age 28. I’ve always said yes to experiences. Beautiful experiences and painful experiences. Because I claimed I wanted to leave a legacy as a top coach and consultant for Lightworkers, Aliens, Creatives, Artist, and Undercover Healer CEOs. I wanted to be the one who could hold space for you to better trust connections and relationships, receive clarity on how easy your career is meant to be, and intimacy so that you didn’t have to choose between this driven career part of you and this highly creative part of you. The lover and the achiever. The boss and the sensitive side. I wanted to be the coach who could show you that you can BE it all, ACCESS IT AL, on your terms and time.

And therefore, I believe in coaching because this is our FOCUS.

To get you into a STATE OF BEing so that you can access, become, and experience the life you want to live.

So that you can be in love with every area of your life instead of segmenting it.

SO when you read this, you know you are struggling with genuinely FEELING FREE.

You are struggling with creating HEALTHY connections in work and personal life.

You are struggling with FEELING content in your career, and you know you are meant to live a life of freedom, living, working, and playing wherever you want, when you want.

I have 2 1:1 coaching spot open for the next six months.
This work, I call my Intimacy Coaching.
Where we work with you in ALL areas of your life so you can achieve your dreams.
Because what’s affecting you in your relationships is affecting your career.
What is affecting your career is impacting your relationships.

You are a WHOLE being, and we must stop thinking we can slice our life up and somehow that every area isn’t a connection where every choice is either bringing us closer to where we want to be, or it’s bridging a gap between our dreams and us.

Message me 1:1 coaching if this spot is for you.

And if you aren’t ready for 1:1 coaching but want to have one call to see what the coaching world is all about and why it is different.
Here is my calendar to book a one-time coaching call.

I love you,