Colleen Gallagher International

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What Does it Mean to be a Lightworker/StarChild/Indigo

Many of you notice and comment that I am a light in this world.

Now what that means to each of you or how you experience my light is different based on your life experiences and your perspective/vision of depth.


I remember the first time I heard the word Lightbeing around 3 years ago April 2018, I just knew deep inside of me that is who I was, I felt it in my Soul. And I remember I told this to a mentor and she replied, yes and people are going to respond to you what are you talking about Colleen because it’s such a drastic shift from who you were.

This is so ironic because this mentor was supposed to help you BE who you’re mean to be and build a brand around it. So gaslighting and holding the light back at its finest which is what this world expects lightworkers to do, hush, keep silent, what your saying is too much, the shift is too big, or too controversial.


Now I had no idea what Lightbeing meant; I had no idea the greater systematic beliefs and energetic infrastructure that came with that word and state of being.


Yet how I would describe the life of a Lightworker and/or Starchild is this, you are someone who fundamentally experienced some perceived injustices in this world.


Whether that was through your parents, the social structures in society, or just through unfortunate life events.

Yet you’ve experienced darkness and you had no option except to chose to stay positive, be a light, show up through pain, and take on the role and responsibility to purify the toxic environment around you in order to stay alive.


Then at the first moment, you could break up with your environment you did, and you went out into the world to breakthrough what could be possible for you.


For example, I had no idea that you could get paid every day, I had ZERO idea that I could become an author, create my own products, online experiences, help people and receive income. I literally thought you could only become a teacher or start a non-profit and not create amazing income until you retired.


I thought you had to save all your money as a young person, suffer through a job, prove your worth, and then once you retire, travel the world and enjoy your life.


It took me leaning to break up with my environment, with old relationships, with the matrix system of jobs, government systems, cancer societies, and long-term diagnosis’s, where many times I felt alone because I felt what was being shown to me wasn’t how I truly wanted to experience my life.


Through this, I began to open myself (which I talk about as Step One in my first book Live Your Truth) to experience new ways of living life. I began to get around people who had created multi-million-dollar lifestyles, people who were impacting and changing other people’s lives, people who were deeply committed to the work of God through expressing themselves. I began to have different conversations and get involved with refugees, displaced people, and volunteering at prison systems. I began to put myself in environments where I could understand the importance of why the world needs us to be lightworkers.


So, a Lightworker/Starchild/Indigo is someone who sees the world through love.

You often see the world through Rose-colored glasses.

Your natural state is creativity and expression.

Yet many times throughout your life you were taught that making money and building a career is to come first next to anything else in life.
So naturally, you have created a life where you don’t even realize how frequently you push down your own desires in order to make other people happy because that’s just if you’re offering the light of you to others, in hopes they will finally see the light this world can offer.

A lightworker is someone who naturally enters into a room and your nervous system is syncing to everyone else, taking their unconscious toxic entities, filtering through it, and then your body is self-regulating to move you back into a pure state of light because you just worked through everyone’s unconscious stuff by you simply being in the room, so that they can naturally align to your baseline frequency.


Overtime you do this with going into work, being in a toxic home environment, and people don’t appreciate you or even worse begin to gaslight you (try and make you feel bad) for your kindness, your ability to see the world through light, and goodness, they tell you to grow up, be more series – this causes massive internal anger, trauma, frustration, and isolation for us as Lightworkers.

Where we begin to not speak our truth because it’s been so painful because our bodies are detoxifying everyone around us by simply being in the room with them and then we are getting verbally abused by people based on how we experience the world.


So as a Lightworker what can you begin to do to make the world work for you?


1.     You must begin to create an online income stream – where you are not forced to go into a closed-door environment that does not work for you – I recommend my Earn Income Online Bundle

2.     Your home is your Sacred space, and you must begin to treat it and craft it that way. Your bed is the most important asset you will ever have so make sure you love it, you feel safe in it, and your home has small tokens of reminders all over to offer you fuel and energy instead of taking from you

3.     Learn to say the word NO often and without guilt – this takes a big practice and a lot of getting used to where people will feel frustrated, mad, annoyed that they no longer get access to your energy – because remember their body was feeding off your system to purify them

4.     Own unapologetically that you are different, you are here on this planet to anchor light, and at times you will go through darker experiences because your system is here to purify the dark so it can be illuminated for more light to be present on the planet - trust you will always be okay - and the darkness becomes part of your life’s greatest love story.


If you have questions, feel free to leave them in the comments.


Turn your life into the greatest love affair,
Colleen Gallagher