Colleen Gallagher International

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The Power of a Man’s Penetration

I’ve written posts about abortion, Motherhood, overcoming relationships, the Divine Feminine, and I now want to give perspective on the power of a man’s penetration.


Men, as women we will fundamentally never know what it’s like to have the power to willingly overpower a woman, child, or another man if you so choose.
Women will never understand the RAGE, the zero to one hundred of soft to blood rushing through your gentiles to force you into action. (sometimes you literally have no control over it because it’s your body’s biology – like women not controlling their moon cycle)

Women will never know what it’s like to look at someone and enter into their bodies.
The power that it must activate in you to OPEN someone, to have control to put yourself inside of someone else.


We will never know what this feels like as women.
Yet when done with PURITY & TRUTH women are OBSESSED with receiving you.
The power of you entering into someone is wow PROFOUND.


It’s something that I haven’t really seen talked about and needs to be shared.
Men this is powerful, you shouldn’t feel ashamed that you are powerful.
You can PENETRATE a woman open, bring her into a state of stillness, and at the same time you know at any moment you could overpower her.

It must be this constant internal push-pull.
I want to be sexy and dominate her, yet I don’t want to offer too much force to hurt her.
I want to feel POWERFUL this is my doing to her body for pleasure yet, not cross the line to cause harm.
I feel the RUSH and sensation I could go SO MUCH further to release the energy out of me into her, yet I must contain it, so she enjoys it too.


I mean it’s scary as a man to willingly know you carry so much energy rushing through you, where you could FULL ON overpower another human, yet you willingly choose to offer pleasure.

Women CANNOT ever imagine what that must feel like.


At the same time men, YOU ARE SO SENSITIVE.
You are picking up a massive collective pain in men.
There are more countries in this world where it is illegal for women to get raped than bad for men to rape.
Do you hear me?
Like MORE COUNTRIES AGREE IT’S OKAY to rape women than those who think it’s a crime.
You choose to be here reading this means, you feel that pain, anger, and rage.
We are all One.
And you are choosing to be a man where your penetration is powerful instead of harmful.


Honor these feelings that arise in you.
Know it’s okay sometimes your thoughts will think things that are not of the HIGHEST that’s available.
Sometimes your body will become aroused at inappropriate times, it’s okay as long as you don’t exert the power unwillingly over someone else.
Women do this exertion of power through manipulating, cheating, stealing money, etc.
It’s very important men as I share deeply in my Make the Awakened Woman Crave You Workshop you find an outlet for your anger.


This rage and REAL PHYSICAL POWER you have and experience, must have a non-negotiable outlet outside of women.
Women we must STOP being controlling and expect a man to be around us 24/7.
It is required they have healthy men time and space to move this energy through them.


Now what I want to get into is the power your penetration holds.

In my workshop, I share the #1 secret to Make the Awakened Woman Crave You – and it’s through doing this work.

Once you cultivate this #1 secret your penetration can be felt from across the world.
You literally can give your thought to a woman and she will FEEL you.
As I’m a very receptive woman (most awakened women are) – we feel you without you physically being around us – yet this takes a cultivation of energy and mindfulness.


The power of your penetration guides society, it provides structure to maneuver the community on where to be led.
It’s important you begin to live with intentionality, focus, and awareness as MEN ARE REQUIRED for a healthy society.
This New Earth requires your penetrative thoughts, actions, and physical entry into us to guide us into the space of union with each other.
Otherwise, the feminine will just flow throughout life, and we won’t be able to capture & HOLD the truest essence of the light codes coming through on the planet.  


Women need your release of the energy (sperm) so we can create the magic of one plus one equals three.
Women will never know what it’s like to release something from us that generates life force.
Women will only know what it’s like to create that life force inside of us and release it into the world.


The difference between generating energy and creating with the provided generation of energy is MASSIVELY IMPORTANT.
We will never know what it’s like to be the roots instead of taking credit for the BLOOMING creation phase.
Women will never know what it’s like to be the canvas and yet women get ALL the credit for the painting on the canvas.
This is powerful, your penetration is required.


In conclusion

1.    Acknowledge the power of your penetration

2.    Be okay with knowing that your body can overpower someone else & love yourself to know you choose differently

3.    Your DAILY practice must include a release of this collective/inner rage and anger

4.    Lay the boundary when the rage arises – YOU NEED TO LEAVE – YOU CANNOT ENGAGE

a.    If she’s begging– crying – trying to manipulate – LEAVE – she will not hurt herself (if she does, not your issue, she did it not you) – you are responsible to leave the environment before you lose control

5.    Every women’s idea of sexual aggression is different – OPENLY COMMUNICATE with her

a.    This may mean “pulling out” stopping the moment, pausing, gather yourself, talking, re-entering

6.    With your guy friends be okay to talk about these tricky thoughts that arise in you and see how your other brothers handle this – DO NOT open this topic with a woman YOU LIKE/LOVE - it will ruin the safe space you are to her

7.    Understand women WANT to be led by you, submit to you, and sometimes they want to dominate you. We want you to open us into places we cannot fully take ourselves.

8.    This is a journey, a practice, a shift from your body’s knee-jerk reaction into an overall experience you can provide for us penetrating us with your thoughts, mind, eyes, body, and Soul.


 If you read this and you want to go deeper get inside my 2-hour workshop, Make the Awakened Women Crave You or men reach out to me privately to become a 1:1 client.

The penetration energy I share here carries over to how you create a successful business and community.

Let me know what comes up.
Turn your life into the greatest love affair,
Colleen Gallagher