Colleen Gallagher International

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How to Break The Habit of Habitually Lying to Yourself

I know what it's like to live day in and day out, waiting for something to change and the money story to be different than consistently just above broke. I know what it's like to keep earning more, yet that amount of money isn't staying in your account.

I know what it feels like to wake up and be like, UGHHH, how will this all will work out in my favor it seems impossible? I’mpossible just means I am possible.

I know the frustration, the waiting till the last minute, the putting your head in the sand, while you just keep replaying the stories over and over in your head of how could your current reality happen to you?


You're smart, driven, an -overachiever, you're the one who your friends all look up to, you have the successful career or business, yet deep down inside of you tucked away in a little corner you've always known there was more meant for you in this life. And since you keep hiding from your true purpose work – which is to write and share what you know to be true about this life experience.

The Universe keeps making your reality very sticky and challenging to live in because you keep ignoring the signs of what would make your life great.


Deep within you, there's been something that angers you about how this world it, angers you about the way things are done, for so long, this was me.
I was angry; I felt like no one ever got it.
And because you are "so smart," you have the "insider conspiracy truth," you then chose that you are the exception to the rules of the Universe.
You decide that the oh-so-wealthy ones are only those who are causing the problems and that doing good things should not be something people charge for.


Well, you can keep lying to yourself.
Because while you are over there not selling, you over there being "spiritual," the one who "knows it all" over the average population – the rich are just getting richer.

The ones who are causing the problems that deeply trouble you are capitalizing on you not taking action on offering your own solution to the world's problems  
On you working for the organizations they own.
On you not creating the space and time to be present with yourself so you can hear the voices, the creative idea can be birthed through you.


So, you can keep lying to yourself that you are committed to the path of evolution, but if that were true, you wouldn't be all these struggles in all areas of your life behind the scenes with no real movement, no real clients, nothing to show for what you believe in and what you are doing about it.

Because if you stop lying to yourself and become honest, being "connected" means that you love business, you love sales, you love communicating in your medium of choice, and you love receiving money from it.
You being "Enlightened" means you love money, and you want to go out there and earn more, employ people and scale your creative solutions to make this world a better place.
Because it's one thing to talk about impacting this world, it's one thing to create deep, meaningful connections with people you met, but it's a whole new level of you creating a reality where you are employing people by the solution you offer into this world.

It's another thing to be accountable to your message to what's inside of you to what you wish everyone in the world knew so that you can impact them. Instead of you staying offline connecting with people at low-end networking events, random 1:1 encounters, or drunk at a bar where you have nothing to show that you are making the difference you want to see in the world.

It's one thing to talk and talk about how you want the world to be different.
And it's another thing to hire someone to keep you accountable to write and share about how you are changing the world – starting with your inner world so that you can be someone who has the capacity to hold space for other people to shift.

However, lying to yourself looks a lot like
I'm just so busy
I don't have the time
My job is so busy
I think I just need to do things
I am not sure another time
I don't have the money
It's just not in the cards for me

 Each of these points are lies and excuses that are allowing you to stay broke, to stay in a job you hate, a relationship that isn't serving you; it's what keeps you thinking that your dreams maybe one day you'll start them, maybe one day you'll write what you know to be true but maybe not

All while you're lying to yourself but showing up day in and day out to a lifestyle you hate, your body is in disharmony, and it is manifesting dis-ease, chronic pain. At some point, as you continue to ignore it, you continue to pretend that something inside of you doesn't need to be created and unleashed into the world. Eventually from the betrayal of yourself over a lifetime, you will end up with a broken body that no longer supports you in being able to create connection. To write the book or articles to transform people to awaken from the matrix. You no longer will be able to share because your body is crippled and fighting for your life. From that point, you won't be able to receive income as you'll be applying for loans to make payments to save your life.

Remember, only you can stop lying to yourself.
Only you can stop pretending that you're okay with getting the cheapest things at the grocery store.
Only you can stop pretending that pinching pennies as a saving method to buy the amazing shoes or designer clothing is getting old.
Only you can stop allowing the anxiety around money.
Only you can release money from your bank to invest into your education even when you don't have the money, and you're not sure how it's going to work.
Only you can stop lying that you know you're meant for more, but you are settling.
No one can force you to accept what you're here to do, which is write about the way you perceive the world to awaken others.
Only you can act on taking a leap of faith that will offer 100% certainty for you to live with magic and a lifestyle career that you know will transform your life.

And I know each of these all too well because I had to face my shadow of lying to myself to keep me small.
To be afraid people would think I’m too “salesy”
People think I’m just in it for the money.
But yes, I am in it to earn money to scale my message and impact because my writings my teachings transform people’s lives and with more money, it can be scaled to beat out the false ways of being.
And this is exactly what I empower my clients to shift into to fall in love with creating their life by design instead of default.
Then begin to write what they know has healed and transformed their life.

To then share it on various platforms.
So that you can receive impact and income to scale your solutions to change the world.


And that is precisely why I created my How to Create - Write - Share and Recieve within Four Weeks Online Course

This is the second time I've run this course live where it has four recorded modules where I break down my career as a writer and all the options you have to create your career as a writer and earn $10,000 months.

It has 2 1:1 calls with me where we get clear on your writing style, what you are meant to write about, and the technology platform that you get to share on to start building your community and earning your income.

2 Q&A calls to go through the modules together and with the group.

As well as. 24/7 access to me for four weeks to answer your questions, review your writing, share ideas on where you should post it, as well as monetization ideas!

If you know your meant to be a writer and you're ready to stop lying to yourself that your life is good – so you'll keep pushing forward even though you’re suffering.
You know you're meant to share with people about the TRUTH of what is really happening but earn money from it instead of preaching to death ears.
You know that you're meant to live a life where you travel the world, enjoy your life, impact others, and get paid to do it

Then this is your golden ticket.
Enroll now and I add in a signed copy of my first book Live Your Truth


I love you,