Colleen Gallagher International

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Overcoming a Life-Long Cancer Diagnosis

I remember the moment the orange and black basketball was bouncing between my hands and the ground…
I was speeding down the court and the air was rushing through me…

I jump up for the lay-up and then I smacked down on my back…
I was hyper-ventilating and I couldn’t breathe…

Everyone me was wondering what was happening.
They send me to the special trainer, and he thought it was asthma…

I knew it was something different.

Eventually I get to the hospital, and the doctors said you have an enlarged thyroid — we need to do surgery as soon as possible because it could be cancerous…

They mentioned I would be on medication for the rest of my life, needing to take 1 pill per day, and that when I desired to have children I would need to change my medication…

As I got older, I started to question the hypocrisy that the people who are “fixing me” (from two transactional surgeries) are now asking me to be on medicine for the rest of my life.

Did this just become a non-negotiable invoice for the rest of my life?

I think many of us who get diagnosed with such medical diagnoses tend to just believe the doctors without taking a moment to step back and seek other solutions…

I thought to myself: from this age of 14, to maybe the 120 that I live to…
That would well be over $1 million in health care, doctor visits and medication…

I thought in my mind — no way am I spending $1 million over a lifetime to a medical field that caused the problem by taking out my thyroid in the first place…

Well, as I started to travel the world, go out and explore, be away from the medical scene…
I started to question if my money could be better spent elsewhere…

I moved to New Zealand after leaving my job where I was covering a multi-million territory for a $23 billion company because I was so unhappy and just knew there was something more to life…

When I moved to New Zealand I committed myself to 4 hours a day of yoga and meditation…
I had done yoga for the previous 5 years, yet it was more to lose weight rather than to actually be in the practice of the teachings…

Well it was in this moment, at age 23, when I started to realize all these thoughts that we have running in our mind…

I realized that we have all these false beliefs, structures, habits, ideas on how things should be done…

I realized how easily we all believe things that we have been told without first asking ourselves, do we want this to be true for me?

It was from this space I realized I wouldn’t accept that I would be on medication for the rest of my life.
From this place I made a lifestyle shift to be committed to living my purpose, which is to empower people to understand the purpose of love in their life — and how to start to monetize it…

I now have been off medication for the past 3 years, my body is the most fit it’s been in my life, and I haven’t had to see a doctor from illness in over 3 years.

My point is this: yoga and meditation isn’t an option for me, it’s a way of life that has empowered me to no longer let what someone tells me dictate my life…

I never listen to statistics, what “should” be, what normal results are — because I refuse to be normal…
And I’d suggest that you refuse to be normal and accept normal standards for your life.

Start to watch your thoughts, your habits, and your words.
You hold the key and power to heal yourself.

 Your life is not over when medical doctors diagnose you with something, or tell you how your life is meant to be for the rest of your life. They can make suggestions, yet it’s truly up to you whether you choose to believe what they say… or you make your own rules.

I recommend my first book, Live Your Truth, on Amazon (audible now available) for you to start your initiation to your journey of healing with your health, money mindset, and what’s possible for you in this life.