Colleen Gallagher International

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How do we transition the deep-rooted systematic issue of the masculine controlling and devaluing the feminine? How the feminine does this to the masculine? [Updated Blog 2021]

The worst thing about any feminine lead business is when the masculine slides into our messages, sharing, "I want to take you on a date; I love your mind and how it works." Or constantly commenting, "YOUR SO BEAUTIFUL," instead of acknowledging the full spectrum of our work. Then these same men turn around to say, "I don't have money to invest in my education," or "I'm too busy to respond after they inquired about an offering," or "I cannot support your whatever launch because of money."

Like, do you hear how that doesn't make sense?

You're saying you have the money to take the feminine on a date, and you have the time to constantly comment on our looks, TRY to pick our minds off our hard-earned information and life experiences for free. The masculine expects the feminine to sit there and listen as if there is nothing better a highly career-driven feminine has to do with their time. And this isn't a personal issue; this is a systematic issue from history that is being CALLED TO BECOME ROOTED UP.

Usually [not always], but the feminine is the brand in her career—appearance, make-up, color pallet, age, material status, kids, etc. it all matters. The masculine is rarely judged in this way. In my business, coaching, consulting, and therapy to be done WELL; it's based on someone's life experience, not just the theory taught in schools or books. So, it's interesting when the masculine can find time to be up in our messages sharing issues in relationships, intimate breakups, divorce ordeals, and money issues. Yet the masculine claims they don't have the money to pay for our products, time, or career wisdom. Subconsciously in the masculine's mind, it was decided the feminine is unworthy to be compensation for the thousands of hours of work we've done on ourselves towards Energetic Alignment, Spiritual Evolution, career advice, failed relationships, trying to move our life forward, and support you!

For me, it looks like investing nearly $400,000 into my education in 5 years, traveling to over 40 countries to gain experience in life very young instead of getting married, putting myself out there for business failures and successes, and the willingness to go through failed relationships, the desire to make my career happen over my social life and receiving over 200 clients a year from all my courses and workshops and investing time into education, self-development, high-level communication, building community and brands. To me, that is worth something more than a random masculine figure coming along online or in person and feeling they have the "right" just to get assess to everything about me for free. When, by the way, AS THE FEMININE, we offer so much for free through our energy; that is the Divine Feminine’s gift: our energy to provide life force. For me, this looks like a literal digital library of free social media content, hundreds of blogs, and over 100 episodes on a podcast, on top of wisdom, presence, and compassion.

So, when the masculine comes in and wants to devalue this energy, expect it for free, or feel that you are deemed worthy out of the 234850983 masculine beings who arrive in a day to be offered this for free, hmmm? This is the systematical issue of the masculine exerting force to control, manipulate, and keep the feminine small. We live in a world where the feminine doesn't require anyone outside her to offer her anything. And the feminine is worthy of compensation and recognition for their career services and products, not just a casual dinner, because that's what feels alive for the masculine. That the masculine attention is NO LONGER ENOUGH to feed or validate the feminine.

Now let's be fair and give energy to the masculine side. Of course, the masculine desire to go out with an attractive, intelligent, talented, self-made successful feminine business leader who is creative and kind. Like, hello, that is a no-brainer? Yet, in truth, by the masculine already sharing, they are "too busy" or "do not have the money," it shows the feminine you lack appreciation for the feminine career, creativity, and leadership that is applied much differently than masculine leadership. This lack of care, desire, and attention to feminine creative work is a systematic issue.

Now the feminine has systematic issues too yet, it manifests more by manipulating the masculine for money and emotional support. While the masculine manipulates and controls the feminine presence and attention. Overall, we can be better.

The masculine it is your duty and responsibility if you are attracted to a certain type of education, frequency, or experience that a feminine offers through their business – YOU PAY FOR IT. Not pay for it by "taking the feminine on a date" to pick her brain about her life's work without reading or experiencing what her business or career cultivates. That is just stealing and deceptive.

The feminine it is our duty not to manipulate to "get" money and emotional support when we aren't interested in the man and do not see a future. When you know, something will not work; it's time to close the chapter and move on. It's not okay to be so afraid to be alone and just use a man to keep him around you, not feel alone or avoid working on healing yourself.

This disconnection between the feminine and masculine - male and female – or same-sex relationships – is why we are experiencing the issues in this world. Because there is a deep program running trying to have us turn on each other, instead of understanding, deep energetic forces are being channeled through various people's bodies unknown to them.

These darker energetic forces manifest within unconscious people's bodies and then try to manifest into Conscious people's realities in attempting to hook into the connection of the light, to distract the light from doing its job, which is to multiply the light on this planet. Because this "darker" force can disguise itself as love, attention, financial support, freedom, and emotional support, it can distract the light from creating and producing products, solutions, and services that will help this planet move forward. That is why IT IS SUCH A LOW FREQUENCY if people ask people, they admire on dates yet claim they don't have money to support the person they admire in life's work. This is toxic and needs to be dissolved because this is a demonic energetic space trying to stop the Light. Because you're asking for time, which is more precious than anything in this world, yet not supporting the journey of how someone became so memorable. Suppose you do this type of behavior as a man or woman. In that case, it's already given darkness is manifesting within your life, and you're the only one who holds the key to liberating yourself, instead of stealing through other people's time, energy and presence.

And I want to help as many people as I can understand love.
Divine love.
True love.
Whatever that looks like for you with monogamy, open-relating, or even polygamous.
Because I know what it's like to be masculine and feminine in a relationship.
I know what it's like to utilize the masculine for emotional support when I couldn't do it alone.
And I know what it's like not to feel valued as the feminine.
Both suck, and there is a better way.
But only you can be the creator of a fairytale life for yourself.

I am running specials this week for those suffering behind closed doors with relationships to come to play! Allow yourself to fall in love!

One 1:1 relationship and coaching packages, simply message me, "relationships," and we can go over this! Most of my clients come to me with relationship issues and walk away, filled with the relationships of their dreams in all areas of life.

Second, my how to overcome heartbreak and attract love workshop! This is where I teach you how past trauma may affect your ability to relate and connect. How do we acknowledge this, hold this, and release this so that you can attract the right relationships?

Third, my workshop for men How to Make the Awakened Woman Crave You? This is for men who want to attract quality women instead of the never-ending headache of a woman who has the same trauma story, they've been through a lot, and it seems like it's just a blah life. How do we change this so you attract the right woman, women on the path towards Enlightenment, self-responsibility, and who want relationships to be a pleasure instead of pain? A one-time coaching call is included when you enroll by Friday, October 7th.

Fourth my third book, An Uncompromised Life – How to Overcome Heartbreak & Trauma, Experience the Unexplainable and Truly Fall in Love.

FIFTH, I have a brand-new Offer Called The Wisdom Channel!
This will be a private Telegram Channel where I share channeled wisdom a minimum of three times a week, Monday-Friday! This will be the most intimate content from my journal thoughts, prayers, activations, and commentary on current events! It's a monthly subscription!

I love you,