Colleen Gallagher International

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Do you feel like you have exterior success but still feel empty on the inside? Read this to see how to be successful and happy!

I didn’t always look like this, glow like this, or even flow like this!

I want you to know it's okay to appear successful in this exterior world and have money and relationship struggles behind closed doors.
It's okay if you are in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or even 60s, and you still are working for a paycheck every two weeks instead of making money while you sleep.
It's okay to appear to have a picture-perfect relationship, and behind the photos, there is nothing, dull dates, boring s3x life, and minimal chemistry. It seems to have faded away.
It's okay that even though you are the hyper-successful one with fantastic achievements, you still feel empty inside.
It's okay to know that you have figured this world out from a practical sense of how to do everything, but you are suffering energetically, emotionally, and relationship-wise.
I know this because this was me until age 23 when I drastically changed my life.
I quit my six-figure corporate job and moved across the world to New Zealand to change my life.

And you'd be surprised at how many clients or people in my world have created millions of dollars working for big corporations, sat on the board of directors, and indirectly influenced thousands of people's lives through an organization they worked for.
But there was always something missing.
There was always a calling that there was more to this life.
And for some reason, the years and decades past, and no real action, support, or accountability for what you desire took place.
So, you, reading this, I want you to know you aren't alone in being the only person with a great life, but there's a feeling that something is missing; the energy is off.
And it's okay not to have it all figured out in life yet.

However, what's important is that you begin to observe, notice, and accept through your unhappiness and uneasiness that Your Energy in and around your life is off.
That something isn't quite right.
And instead of trying to fix the money problem, the relationship problem, the career problem, the kid problem, begin to question what this energy problem represents for me?
What is the shared emotional factor across all these energy misalignments where I'm not in flow?

More likely than not, it's that you haven't entirely prioritized the energy of your well-being.
The energy of you feeling at peace regardless of what is happening in life.
The energy of you feeling your success and achievements right now is enough.
Well, this would be why you constantly feel empty, not enough, like no matter the achievement you hit, it means nothing.
And this carries over to your relationship never being enough.
Because if you don't understand the energy of how you are responding, acting, and engaging with life right now, and instead, you're constantly just KEEP DOING MORE, nothing is magically going to change.

What needs to change is your habits, environment, daily practices, and the information you are taking in.
This is why I've created The Energy Leadership and Development Program as a 12-month journey where the High-Performance Leaders, Creatives, Lightworkers, Aliens, and Consciousness ones have a place to unravel, connect, to learn how to utilize your energy in more expansive ways. To see how to get results in life by simply being you. To discover how to get paid to share your message with the world. To begin to see how you can form a community right now. See how people want to hear what you have to say and go through a transformation with the wisdom, talent, and skills you already have.

But this lifestyle isn't just where you go in at 9am and clock out at 5pm.
This is a total lifestyle change.
Where every moment is you living as your authentic self.
Every moment is you accepting who you are and acting from this place instead of the pretended version you feel safe enough to portray to people sometimes.

And see, it wasn't until I changed my environment. I moved across the world to New Zealand. I did yoga and meditation for four hours a day for eight months; I put myself around coaching and mentorship; I only listened to information on how I could make money traveling the world, sharing my message, being my brand, and my life changed.

And so, I now want to do this for more people on a larger scale.
The ones who are magical.
There is more to this life than those who have always heard the calling.
For the ones who are brave enough to say I haven't figured out the money, the community, the living into my purpose yet, NOW IS MY TIME.
So, my 12-month Energy Leadership and Development Program is here intended for you to learn how to use your energy to enhance and expand every area of your life, from career, relationships, money, health, wellness, creativity, expression, connection to something greater than you, etc.

The things I am sharing, teaching, leading, and guiding in this 12-month experience are precisely what has healed me from my long-term cancer diagnosis, guided me to create over seven products, 29 online courses, top 400 podcast, get my master's and almost done with my Ph.D., and a thriving community of over 70,000 people between all platforms.

And now I want this for you.
Let’s make it happen.
Message me Energy, and we will go over enrollment details.

I love you,