Colleen Gallagher International

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How to Create Multiple Streams of Income from One Online Service

People talk about wanting to make more money, but never seem to know how!

Here is the secret. 

Figure out a problem that you have overcome in your life. 

  • Divorce 

  • Workaholic 

  • Eating Disorders 

  • Cancer 

  • Substance Abuse

Whatever it is, just identify the problem that you have overcome in your life. Then take time to understand what process you used to overcome your problem — usually it’s a 3- to 5-step process. From there, you start to create ways for people to receive solutions from whatever problem you have gone through.

For example, I had a problem of living my life just to get money, instead of living my life to be true to who I am. I realized that I had to find a way to live my truth and monetize my life from my truth. I decided to write a book that takes people through a 5-step process to find, speak, and live their truth.

I then monetized this same book in the following ways:

  1. I created a free ebook, that went through the 5 steps I write about in my Live Your Truth book.

    1. I used this to capture emails to build an email list by creating a Click Funnels account and integrating it with my email list on Mailchimp.

    2. Then I created a Canva account and searched for the pre-formatted book design templates. 

    3. I created the ebook: it was 7 pages, including an open and closer page.

      1. I used page 2 as Step 1 of 5 (“Become Open”). I used what I wrote here as the opener for this chapter when I sat down to write the full book.

      2. I used page 3 as Step 2 of 5 (“Discover”), again, using what I wrote as the opener for this chapter in the full book.

      3. And so on (you get the point!)

  2. I then wrote the full book and published it on Amazon (You can also sell it on your website or a Shopify store.)

  3. I created a 6-week online program to accompany the book, and increased the investment.

    1. Again, this content was created from my 5-step process, and the methods I teach and share that helped me overcome living a life I hated for money, to living a life I love by helping others and monetizing my life.

    2. I created 3 video models with 3 steps to go through.

    3. I built this on Click Funnels and you studied YouTube videos to learn how to create an online membership.

  4. I added an option for people to buy the program and receive group coaching calls with me. I increased the investment. (This was all the same content as my self-study course, just adding live calls with myself.)

  5. I ran a 3 Day “Live Your Truth” Retreat, in which I increaed the investment. Over these three days, we went through the 5 steps that I already shared in my book, yet with the added bonus of spending 3 days with me as well as others growing their businesses.

This strategy started from a decision that I made that I wanted to change my life to no longer suffer. I wanted to actually wake up to do what I love everyday and make money from it. From that I created a book, where I share with people how I overcame cancer and all the limiting beliefs that were hindering me from being able to believe in myself. From that one book I wrote and released in February 2018, I created multiple ways to monetize that content. For the rest of my life, from age 24 to 113, I will be able to monetize this book regardless of where people are in their journey of life. 

This is the value of creating something for yourself, and seeing that you can compound your creations for the rest of your life by simply using one teaching you have formulated — and offering multiple price points for people to receive that teaching from you. 

I hope this serves you! If you would like to read this book, Live Your Truth, please click on the link below.