Colleen Gallagher International

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How to Become a Manifestor

Many people wonder how I’ve been able to travel to nearly 40 countries by age 26?⁣
How I’ve been able to create a business that supports my lifestyle to travel and impact other people?⁣
How I’ve been able to create friendships that are beyond incredible?⁣
How I’ve been able to grow a network of allies with extremely successful business owners who have $1 million, $10 million, $100 million, or even billion-dollar companies, within 2 years of starting my own business?⁣
How have I worked at a $23 billion & $400 million company? ⁣

Because trust me I am nothing special... ⁣

I once thought this life seemed impossible too.. ⁣

Yet the answer is simple.⁣
Learn how to manifest everything and everyone into your reality that is a direct reflection of where you want to go in life.⁣

So, how can you start to do this⁣?

1. Evolve Your Lens

Start ⁣to shift your perspective that this life is meant to be beautiful and you can make it that way. You hold the power to get a new camera lens that reflects how you are perceiving the world, and how it is showing up for you. You can shift it right now — it starts with you simply choosing.

2. Create New Habits to Release the Limiters Holding You Back⁣

Humans are creatures of habit. Start your journey to self-mastery to see what habits you are carrying that are holding you back. 85% of our decisions come from our subconscious, so you must start to observe what are the habits you are allowing yourself to do that are not serving you. Then start to change them.

3. Act with Courage⁣

Believe that you are important. You matter. You are enough. Your voice matters. What is on your heart is meant to take up space. Believe that your dreams, thoughts and ideas matter. From this place, you will always have more than enough to push you forward, because you will see that within you taking action you are helping someone else.

4. Be Accountable to Your Dreams⁣

Believe that you are here to do massive things. Believe that you are worthy of a life beyond what you can even imagine. Then show up every day to make it happen.

5. Become a Channel of Service to Embody Your Inner Queen/King⁣

I truly believe that we each are here to help others. We each have something important that we have gone through in our lives that we can help other people with. When we enter into this place of being of service to others, that is when our life upgrades to the next level we have available for us.

6. Use Your Voice & Actions to Create Aligned Standards⁣

If you don’t use your voice to express what you desire, then the world cannot give you what you want. The reason your life is the way it is, is because of the thoughts you have and the words you speak. To become a manifestor you must align yourself to only speak language that empowers you to create the life that you truly desire.

7. Build an Expansive Environment Around You⁣

You are the 5 people that you spend time around. If you cannot change your physical environment, then I suggest using social media, blogs, podcast, etc. to start empowering yourself to get around people that are sharing information that empowers you to go to the next level.

If you hang around the same people, have the same conversations, doing the same things, then your life cannot expand because you do not know what else the world has to offer. Always ask yourself: how can I take action to have the most expansive environment around me?

8. Become a Powerful Manifestor⁣

Truly know and embody that you are a manifestor. That everything around you is in your control to shift. Everything around you can be changed and transformed by simply changing your thoughts. Then, slowly as time goes on, when you start to focus your mind you will see how quickly your life begins to change.

Want to learn more? These are the steps I go over in my 8-week program.