Colleen Gallagher International

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How I Became a Top 500 Podcast Globally and Top 200 in America

I remember starting my podcast a little over two years ago.

I was in a lot of pain from choosing to go through an abortion and re-lease of a relationship that was bringing more pain into my life than pleasure.

I was on a date with a man, the first man I decided to date after going through this rather traumatic experience. He goes, "really, you need to do a podcast; I'd listen to you all the time. You have so much to share, and it's so smart and so true." I shrugged my shoulders, and the little voice inside my head was like, "Eh, all the other platforms, the blogs, the videos, the books, the online programs, you have enough; you don't need something else, Colleen.

Throughout the following weeks, the podcast kept coming back to me.
People were like you need a podcast. I want to listen to you and hear what you share all the time because there is so much wisdom.
People would say that something just shifts in me when I'm around you; where I was feeling pain, I now feel joy.
I'd have people start crying in front of me, releasing years of anger, pain, and resentment that were locking them from feeling freedom and happiness.

Most of my clients are men, so I named the podcast A Man's Best Friend. I figured I'd start with an 8-episode series that went through How to Become a Heart-Centered Business Leader, the perfect bridge between the businessman's mind and adding a zest of Spirit into it. Well, it was going great; I was receiving fantastic feedback. I decided I'd do one episode a week for 52 weeks. I had it ranked under business because I thought no man would listen to me if I weren't sharing about business.

Soon enough, I learned a lot of women also wanted to listen to what I had to share.
I changed the podcast's name to The Colleen Gallagher Podcast to go with the overall brand of my online coaching and education company Colleen Gallagher International.

Year one of the podcast was great.
The community being built was amazing.
The connections and feedback were terrific.
From a business perspective, I utilized it as a free lead generation where people could hear me anytime they wanted. I'd offer something more at the end of every episode so people could go deeper into the work if they chose to.

I took a break for about 3-4 months from the weekly episodes.
I felt a bit tired.
But people kept asking me about it.
They wanted more.
They missed their consistent show every week.
They felt like they had a community of people, and they weren't so alone in this world.

In September 2021, I decided I'd do another full year of an episode a week for 52 weeks and add video on YouTube.
Now mind you, I still had my podcast category ranking under business because I thought what I shared didn't matter if it wasn't relating to a direct bottom-line impact of someone's money, which resulted in little to no relevant ranking.
I began to get more questions about health and wellness, so I switched the podcast category ranking to health and wellness, which resulted in a top 1,000 global health and wellness podcast.

Well, those of you who are private clients or know me well know that I am always talking about energy, connection, tantra teachings, relationships, and sexuality. I talk far more about dating and relationships than any other topic that I may teach. For most of my clients, it always comes back to this.

I was having a powerful conversation with a client a month ago. They asked me, "why are you hiding behind wellness and money when you know it's the connection, spirituality, sexuality, and energy you are here to teach?"

My mouth dropped.
I was stunned.
I just got the so-called out; it wasn't even funny.
I was like, "well, you know I am a beautiful young woman. I don't want the wrong idea because my client base is largely men." My client responds, "keep lying to yourself; you know this is what men need to be taught, but you do you."

So, we hung up our call.
And I go into massive "little brat Colleen" I like to call her.
Where I'm like NO, MEOW.
Who are you to tell me who I am here to be and when?

I open my journal.
I receive the confirmation it's time to own it; you are an energetic relationship guide. Stop pushing so hard to be seen and validated in the business world when you already are. Own who you are.

I go to my podcast and switch the category ranking to Spirituality.
We are edging into month 8.

Today, the results go from a top 1,000 podcast to a top 500 podcast GLOBALLY.
We are #173 in America
We are #101 in Great Britain
We are #88 in Canada
We are #71 in Australia

Oh, what a joy the belief for 2.5 years that no one will listen to me if I don't talk about money or business. Men won't care about me if I don't appear successful on my own. The beliefs dissolved into thin air as what I always knew I came here to be, do, and the experience was a world of magic and mysticism. To be a light to support others in their pain of heartbreak in relationships to restore a sense of love and hope so that every person I meet is lighter and falls in love with life a bit deeper.

Today marks the day where I know within me.
We will be having a podcast tour with The Colleen Gallagher Podcast globally as we grow in our climb to become a top 5 podcast in Spirituality around the world.
I don't know how or where or any details.
But I know it, and it makes me THRILLED to know I'll be out in the world connecting with each of you.

I deeply honor each of you in this community.
I sincerely feel your pain of loneliness, not-enoughness, and heartbreak. I want you to know that the best love in your life is yet to come.
And I'm SOUL excited for the day I get to meet each of you in person and hug you.
It will mean the world if you support us in this community by subscribing to the podcast and leaving a review! So, we can close the gap in the time it takes to make a global tour happen together. As you are part of this movement, and you matter deeply.


I love you,

PS: Let this be a message and reminder to always follow your joy. And yes, turning on the microphone just to share your internal thoughts and how you’ve healed the pains in your life is enough to create a wildly successful career that leaves a legacy.