Colleen Gallagher International

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Are you Tired of Being Told to “Niche” Down on Your Purpose Work? Read this

Look I get it being a highly creative person who is multidimensional [meaning we have 284398923 different passions] it can be challenging to “find clarity” on why we are here.

Even worse it’s more frustrating when we want to do good in the world, live a freedom lifestyle, and leverage technology so that we can live our purpose and mission BUT everyone is telling us to niche down.

We have too many passions.
We do too much.
Our marketing and communication are all over the place.
We cannot have something for EVERYONE.
We cannot be spiritual, and business-focused.
We cannot be into wellness and finance.
We cannot be this AND do this.
The world doesn’t work that way.

Then if you were anything like me, I’d **ugh sigh** beat myself up, I guess I just suck, and this freedom lifestyle thing just isn’t meant for me.




The truth is you are the niche in every moment.
Your ENERGY is the niche.
Your energy of whatever you want to wake up and talk about because it’s what is on your heart and mind is the medicine your community is requesting to hear from you.
It's more important that you wake up and trust yourself.
You wake up and back yourself.
You wake up and know that you have something important to say because God/Source/The Universe made you an important authority figure when you were born into this world.
Stop FORCING yourself to choose or deny parts of who you really are so that you can fit a mold!


It's more important that you begin to share on social media every thought that comes to your mind because before you know it the “pattern” of your niche. The topic you keep returning to because it’s what lights your Soul on fire will reveal itself to you.

YOU DEFINITELY do not need to spend hours, days, or years trying to figure out your “right niche” because it naturally is already part of you. It’s the essence of you that will be revealed. The niche is already alive inside of you, you don’t need to find it.


And you don’t need to wait to spend tens of thousands a month on a marketing/PR company for branding, and logo, to craft the most special offer. What a joke and waste of time when you can begin to share who you are, and what you’ve been through RIGHT NOW.


Ironically what I’ve witnessed from countless clients I’ve supported in creating brands online is that until you trust yourself to get up every day and talk about publicly what it is you obsess about behind closed doors. What it is you think about, watch on YouTube, secretly craving to find a friend to connect with and this is what needs to be shared every day with consistency and conviction.


Because your niche is you becoming the resource you wish you had when you were going through so much pain and had no one to turn to. This is the niching this is the magic not some stupid pre-planned and hundreds of hours thought our boring brand.

Because remember if you are bored when doing it other people are going to be bored when consuming it.


This is exactly why I am reopening my How to Create Your Fairytale Life in Six weeks program because this is where it all began. Where I made my first significant investment into myself, not knowing how it would work out or where this path would take me.

I want to offer an opportunity for more people to go through the system I have created for myself and many of my clients to go through where you begin to create a life you love.
You begin to trust yourself.
You receive clarity on why you are here.
You make the paradigm shift from a corporate/hourly employee into a lifestyle career where you can get paid every day.
You stop forcing yourself to work hard and cultivate a creative connection where you make money by simply being you.
You begin to see that you can travel the world full time and become your boss.
You begin to see what a freedom lifestyle can look like for you where you own your own time instead of others.


The people who excel in this program are those who:
👽Are on the brink of a breakup/divorce or just went through one
👽Have experienced extreme heartache, and no matter what, you cannot seem to move forward with your hearts pain from previous relationships
👽Know they are here for a greater purpose but are having trouble with receiving clarity on how to communicate their purpose to the world
👽Don't have a business strategy for how to generate client leads/connections, have an offer or multiple offers for them to go through, and how to make predicted monthly reoccurring income.
👽Are multi-dimensional people who cannot be put into a box, aliens, undercover healers and Lightworkers
👽Have friendships, relationships, or a family that seems incredible… yet deep down, you are unfulfilled…
👽Are the superhuman that every one of your friends looks up to and comes to when they have problems, yet deep down, you feel alone, isolated, and unsure of yourself.
👽Have gone through colossal trauma or unjust experience, whether childhood abuse, divorce, abandonment, abuse within a relationship, a medical condition, bullying, or anything else that falls under you had some shit happen to you… you have not SHARED that with the world yet. You have kept it tucked away in a little corner, avoiding it because you think it's better left private…


What you can expect to know after these six weeks together is the following:
💛 Total clarity on your purpose to begin creating a lifestyle you love
💛Know your marketing story and why that will lead to your businesses mission and movement
💛Have a product or service offering that you can share to earn your income
💛A unique business model that works for you.
💛Feel confident in your elevator pitch of what you do to help other people and earn money based on your purpose.
💛 Know how to forever let go of past heartbreak
💛 Stop choosing between your career and your personal life
💛Stop repeating the same relationship drama stories
💛Having a complete Knowing of why you are here
💛Becoming Confident in who you are as you are right now
💛Understand the good things about the digital world, social media, and growing online communities
💛Deepening Your Energetic & Spiritual Practices and integrating them into your lifestyle.


YES, IT'S a SIX WEEK intensive that will forever transform your life where you will no longer feel in pain, numb, sad, or angry like freedom cannot happen for you!
There is nothing in the online world like this that utilizes psychological practices, digital marketing strategies, and healing modalities to create a Soul-Led Business—one that isn't just good for today or tomorrow, but where you build it for legacy. Where you build a brand based on your life history, where you know you feel confident to be a leader in guiding others through a transformation because you've led yourself through it, you were born for more, and now this is your opportunity to become all of you.


This is what people say
She Changed My Life
She helped me get my message out there
She showed me what I already am
She helped me speak from my heart
I made $5k in 30 days
Your magic continues to amaze me! I have launched my I got an email from the Babylon Bee asking me to be a contributor and if I wanted to be part of the launch team for their new book. All I have to do is order the book, read it, and review it. I never thought I'd be working while retiring, but it's so much fun, and I'm getting to help others, and I understand who I am more to create better relationships. I know we will continue to work together in our journey
Live Your Truth changed my life and guided me to get out of the marriage I was unhappy within and realigned with the man I was in love with to create a beautiful life


Now, this is a very intimate space for you and me, so there is an application process to join this experience. So, when you read this, you know it's your time to make a BIG CHANGE.
You know it's time to become a RECESSION PROOF where you know how to make your income. You know you're ready to receive total clarity on your message and offers and to be SO DONE with feeling heartbreak.


I am SOUL excited to hear from you and for you to be the next person I support in creating a freedom lifestyle filled with joy, happiness, and abundance.
I love you,